Chapter 17- The Big Day

Start from the beginning

            You have to jump onto her back to get the wings off, jump when I say, but first get out the dagger. The voices instructions returned to my ear and I did as he said. Good, you will need to jump in 5 seconds….. Jump now Juliet!

I jumped onto Madison’s back, but as I did, she turned over, launching me onto the ground.

You’re going about it all wrong. This time have the dagger ready, stab into the joint just above her left wing and twist it, it will paralyze the wing. The voice said, and a fire board appeared without my mental thought of it. Now go. The voice said, willing me forward.

I flew through the woods and soon caught up to Madison, who was slowing down. I silently glided behind her until she lifted her wings into the right position for me to jump onto her, I had the dagger ready and I stabbed it into the left joint, and as I heard her scream in pain I twisted it, and the wing stopped flapping. Another dagger appeared in my right hand, and I did the same to her right wing. Excellent, Granddaughter, you fight as well as your father.

I ignore the voice for now and move on to what I know I must do. I create a fire ball in my left hand, I use my right hand to flip Madison over, and both feet to know her out of the air and drive the daggers all the way through her wings. I grab her wrist and burn it to ash so her claws are no more.

            “I’ll get you for this, I swear, I’ll-“

            “Like Hell you will!” I cut her off and make my biggest fire ball ever, reducing the pitiful excuse for a person to dust.

Excellent, Juliet, now turn around. Let me give you a gift to make up for all the wrongs I have done your family.  The voice instructs carefully.

I turn, and as I do, I see a man who looks like Daddy but older and more battle- worn.

I’m sorry for everything, I should’ve let your parents be happy as they were, and I shouldn’t have sent Madison your way.

Immediately everything makes sense, how Madison found Harry, everything. Grandfather had sworn up and down he would get revenge.

“I can’t believe you- even someone as cold hearted as you would- “I start but it is my turn to be cut off.

I know I should’ve just let your father win when I died, and I’m sorry. He says.

“Yeah. But you did. “I say.

I know, and I am going to make it up to you. Right now. A white hot fire board shows up in front of me and moves closer. Soon it is at my feet and rising up and around me. I close my eyes and let the warmth of the flames tickle my skin. I feel the cool breeze as it releases me

Now you look like a bride, let’s go. He says.

“Where are we going?” I question as I look down at my completely fixed wedding gown with new beading.

To your wedding, of course.


“Nick! Come here baby!” I called for Harry and my five year old son.

“Coming mommy!” Nick came running into the living room and jumped on my lap. “Mommy, where’s Daddy?”

“He’s getting dinner; he should be back any minute.”

“Grand-Daddy!” Nick shouted once Daddy came into the room.

Daddy smiled. “Hey Nicky.” Daddy said hugging his grandson.

“I hope y’all like rabbit cause that’s all that was in the woods tonight.” Harry said as he walked through the door with a bag of what I guess was rabbits.

“Daddy!” Nick said running to Harry.

Harry dropped the bag and picked up our son. “Hey bud!” He said kissing Nick’s cheek.

I smiled getting up and going kiss my husband and son. “I love you.” I told Harry.

“I love you more.” Harry said leaning down and kissing me.

                                                                                                The End.

*Yay! I’m finally done with this story! Thank you JustMe_99 for helping me with this chapter! I hoped y’all enjoyed the sequel. I have a better story coming! I already have ‘Fire and Ice’ so please read that one! I also have an entire five book Superhero series coming with all the boys! I hope y’all will enjoy them! They WILL be better written! I promise! Please comment/vote! PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ‘Fire and Ice’ I would love to hear from you!!!!*

The Fire Princess (Sequel to 'The Fire Prince') (A Harry Styles Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now