Chapter 1-Feelings?

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            What Happened at the end of ‘The Fire Prince’

            ****************Thirteen years in the future when Juliet’s 18************

            “MUM!” Juliet yelled for me.

            “Yes my sweet?” I said as she walked in the living room.

            “Is Daddy around?” She asked.

            “No, he went to get some more food.” I said.

            “Good.” She said sitting at the table. “Is Uncle Harry around?” she asked.

            “No, he went hunting with your Uncle Niall. Your Uncle Zayn and Liam went with your father.” I said.

            She sighed in relief. “Good.”

            I chuckled. “Why?’ I asked.

            Juliet bit her lip. “Because I have a problem.” She said and I sat down across from her at the table. “Ok, Mum, I tell you everything anyway and I know you won’t tell my secrets.” She said. It’s true, she did tell me everything and I told her everything. Since we were the same age now, well in mind and body, we were kind of like best friends now.

            “Of course I won’t, what’s wrong?” I asked.

            She bit her lip again. “I think I have feelings for Uncle Harry.” She whispered.

            “Wait what?” I said completely taken back. I wasn’t expecting that.

            “You heard me… But why? Why would I have feelings for my uncle?”

            I sighed. “Well, you know he’s not blood related to you, so he’s not really your uncle. He stopped aging so that’s not a problem.”

            “I know, but why?”

            “Well, you’re at the proper age so it might be possible.” I said more to myself than her.

            “Proper age for what?” She asked.

            “I thought this actually for some time now… Maybe he’s your mate.” I said.

            Juliet froze. “M-my mate?” She asked.

            I nodded. “I told you how your father and I met, and how we became mates. It’s very plausible… Now you know why Harry has always been your favorite uncle.” I said.

            Juliet gave out a big sigh and slumped down in her chair. “Daddy’s going to kill me!” She grunted out.

            I chuckled. “Do you want me to talk to him?” I asked.

            Juliet looked up at me. “You mean you’re not mad?” She asked.

            “Why would I be mad?” I asked.

            She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

            “You first need to talk to Harry, and see if you two are actually mates.” I said then paused. “I was talking to your Uncle Zayn the other day, and you know how he can read emotions, and well… He said that you two had a very strong connection, like how me and your father were.” I said.

The Fire Princess (Sequel to 'The Fire Prince') (A Harry Styles Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora