iv. ivory.

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I woke up bright and early the next morning, ready for my first day with my new friends

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I woke up bright and early the next morning, ready for my first day with my new friends. I got up and put on my robes and shoes; I threw my hair up into a bun and did my makeup. I grabbed my bag and strutted down the stairs of the girls's dormitory. At the bottom of the staircase, James was levitating Sirius, though why, I had no clue.

"Ivy! You ready for your first day of school?" Sirius said, portraying a mother on her oldest child's first day of kindergarten.

"I would be," I said, faking a pout.

"Why? What's wrong?" James asked worriedly.

"Probably monthly issues if you know what I mean," Sirius muttered to his friend.

"Nah it's not. I would be if it was everyone else's first day too, but everyone knows everyone..."

"...Except for you," James finished for me. "Don't worry. We'll get you the friends you need."

"Thanks but I—"

"Marlene McKinnon or Eandra Finnigan?" James asked, turning to his friend.

"Ewww is that even a question? I liked—"

"Not for you, you self-centered git. For Ivy—"



"Hmm. Why don't we ask her questions?" He suggested. I hate interrogations.


"First question~ If you got lost in the castle, you would...

[A] find a teacher immediately and ask for directions

[B] go back to the dorm

[C] go wait outside the door of your next class

[D] hang out with the house elves in the kitchens?"

"Hogwarts has house elves? And, um... is hanging with you guys an option?"

"That would be D, my deer [','pun intended, my deers',']. Next question: which boy's name do you prefer...

[A] Scott

[B] Austin

[C] Bailey

[D] Greyson?"

"C, Bailey."

"Interesting. Patronus is in which category...

[A] common

[B] unusual

[C] rare

[D] very rare?"

"B, unusual."

"Interesting. What is it?"

"It's a coyote. It's odd. My mother's patronus is a Heron and my dad's was a Screech Owl."

"Aren't coyotes predators, unlike birds?" Sirius said.

"That's what scares me."

"His patronus was a Screech Owl? Was?" James repeated with a confused look. Not gonna lie, but I totally lost my shit.

"Um, d-did I say was? Silly me, I m-meant to say, t-that his patronus—"

"James chill out. You're being a clueless idiot and you're confusing her. She probably meant it like he loved his wife dearly or some shit."

"If that's what you call it," I mumbled under my breath, and Sirius threw me an empathetic look.

"Okay then. Next question: What do you look for in a best friend?

[A] Loyalty and Honesty

[B] Patience and Empathy

[C] Humor and Respect

[D] Mischief and Ability?"

"Oh that's a thought one. I'm gonna go with C, though."

"Would you ever befriend a Slytherin?

[A] Yes

[B] No

[C] Depends

[D] Absolutely?"

"Yes— A."

"Which do you most enjoy?

[A] Potions and Herbology

[B] D.A.D.A and Transfiguration

[C] Care For Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies

[D] Ancient Runes and Charms?"

"What's 'Daddy?'" I asked, slightly terrified.

Sirius shuddered. "No no no no no no no no no no... D.A.D.A. 'Dada.' Defense Against the Dark Arts. DADA. Not Daddy. That word doesn't leave a bedroom. Never ever say that out in the open like that again. It gives me the cringe sweats."

"Cringe sweats?" I giggled.

"Yes. Cringe sweats."


"Which word gives you the worst cringe sweats?

[A] Moist

[B] Daddy

[C] Choke

[D] Doofus?"

I laughed rather loudly at the last answer choice. "How can 'Doofus' be cringey? I'm gonna go with B."

"Okay the total tally is: D, C, B, C, A, B, B. Hmm..." James pondered for a moment before saying, "Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Marauders— that'd be us, love— Regulus Black, Bella Bl—"

"No," Sirius interrupted seriously.

"—ack and Jacks—"

"James if you finish that sentence, I will personally beat your ass. I'll beat the shit out of you," he interrupted a final time.

"Jackson Miller," James said, looking down upon his feet.

"Big deal. I don't have to hang out with him. Any of them," I said confidently. I looked over at Sirius who looked as though the air had been knocked out of him.

"I- I'll probably hang out with y'all, though," I added, hoping that it would fix Sirius. How wrong I was. He appeared more angry and less dumbstruck every time I blinked.

"Just give Reg a chance, okay?" He said calmly, anger flowing out of him without being used in his voice, but was released calmly from a long sigh.

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