Chapter One (Sudden Death)

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"Kemp?" Hancocks testicular tubes shivered in his cradle next to Kemps. The elders had settled in the woodland with a makeshift tribal campsite. The current elders in camp were Kemp, Hancock, Edward and the Hector Dog. Sneezy, Bentley and Noble were out hunting for food for the camp mates - Bentley and Sneezy were excellent sniffers with their extensive and elongated proboscis cavitys, while Noble had a strong and sturdy dick to spear any prey. So far, the elders were thriving in their new camp - they had fresh food and water, heat, plenty of shade and little cradles for the elders to sleep in.
"Yes, my handly cock?" Kemp replied wearily, cracking his lil grandad limbs and sitting up violently in bed, chords waggling in the early sunshine.
"What are we going to do now Chaplins dead?" Hancock asked, ejaculating semen from his gabbling knee caps as Kemp rotated his head to face his tender friend.
"Something else will come along." He cackled. "We'll always be at work. My juicy, tender and meaty fingers are at the ready to finger any one who dares kill my senile friends. They'll dig deep into my enemy's armpits and writhe into their ball sacks, putting tadpoles in their body." Kemp roared unexpectedly, suddenly hopping out of bed and dressing his prolapsed, nude body. Suddenly, the sound of pounding senile footsteps rang through the forest. Bentley, Noble and Sneezy burst through the bushes and crash landed among Kemps filthy lil baby toe.
"Sorry friend." Sneezy gurgled, rising with Bentley at his side. Noble remained on the ground, his dick spearing some kind of meaty specimen.
"What have you caught, Noble?" Kemp rumbled, reaching down and rummaging around in Nobles penis before pulling out three rabbits and a furry dead little girl.
"WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS WOMAN?!" Edward screeched, suddenly awakening and approaching the group of elders back from the hunt.
"I found her piercing childrens ears with slug tittys." Noble explained, standing up and brushing his volatile body down.
"Great. I'll add her to my collection." Edward nodded eagerly, pulling the female body to his cradle and gently tracing his index finger along her tits cavitys. Before long, the little girl was alive and fresh.
"Eddie Wards." She squawked, pussyfooting up to Edward and snuggling her head into his cock.
"Good girl honey. Eddies getting horny." Edward shouted, slowly taking off his trousers.
"NO EDWARD THIS ISNT THE TIME." Hancock roared, his ear drums propelling out and pulling Edwards trousers back up. "Whatever's gotten into you Eddie." Hancock rumbled angrily, retracting his eared drums and setting off towards the campfire where Bentley was blowing out boiling semen from his extensile proboscis.
"Has it cooked yet?" Hancock asked, impatient to feast on some meaty juices.
"Yes." Sneezy bowed down. "Eat, friend." Hancock rudely barged in front of kemp and Noble, almost knocking them into the campfire, and lunged towards the rabbit that Noble had speared on his dick. He plucked it off and sat on his cradle, rocking and feasting on his little specimen. Finishing his meal, Hancock tucked the juicy remains into his Meatus before striding over to Bentley and Kemp.
"We need to get going." He cried, his lil anus glands trembling furiously.
"What." Kemp squawked, confused.
"I. Want. A. Pet." Hancock demanded, saluting to Kemps cock.
"no Hancock your not a child. We're staying here In camp. Chaplins egg still lies In the forest nearby - it may have hatched and we don't want to encounter his son." Kemp said seriously, suddenly losing his senile spirit.
"Then I'll go with Bentley." Hancock meowed, turning to his captivated brother.
"I'll come with you lil horny bro." Bentley rapped, monkeying along with Hancock at his side.
"I hope their okay." Kemp told Noble anxiously.
"They can fend for themselves." Noble replied, rocking his cock along the ground. "Plus, Bentley can sniff out enemies from miles away." Kemp felt comforted by Nobles words, so, pleased, he lumbered over to his lil kiddy cradle and settled into bed...head rocking backwards like a baby's big belly....

Bentleys Point Of  View (POV)
"WE'RE OFF TO NASUTOS PET SHOP, NASUTOS RAUNCHY PET SHOP OF HELL." He sing songed, prancing along with his brother skipping happily at his side.
"WIAT WHATSKAKD" Hancock skidded to a halt at the mention of Nasuto.
"NASUTOS PET SHOP?!!" He screeched, pussyfooting over to a tree and head butting his anal cavities deep into the bark.
"YES DONT PANIC BRO ILL MAKE SURE SHE DOESNT HURT YOU." Bentley roared, careering over to Hancock and dragging him nearer the shop. What a lovely place. I know Nasuto is evil but her new Pet shop she opened up is super reliable with the best pets. Bentley thought to himself happily. The two brothers entered Nasutos shop in a wonderful whirlwind of cock chocolate.
"WHO ENTERS MY PETLING SHOP?" Nasuto roared from behind a dusty counter top.
"Hey baby." Bentley replied seductively, flipping his cock backwards and arching his nostrils so Nasuto could peer right up his slimy chambers.
"WHTA" nasuto was outraged at the sight of the two elders.
"What are you two doing here?" She whispered, drawing them closer with her clever cleavage.
"Buying Hancock a pet." Bentley tapped his ears gently on Hancocks shoulder. "What have you got for sale?"
Nasuto smiled deviously and scanned the cages behind her. All sorts of volatile humanoid specimens sat in their cages, naked with genitals flapping from the fan standing in front of them.
"I have one very special pet." Nasuto whispered, stroking her invisible beard before selecting a large, senile woman in the final cage.
"She's not what you would expect." Nasuto cackled, clipping a lead rope on to the elderly woman and leading her out of her confinement. She was naked with a long, flapping penis attached from her retracting face. Her skin was all wrinkled and disheveled like a fairy godmothers cock, while her eyes were as dark as death.
"She's...." Hancock paused, thinking of the right word to describe this tight skinned prolapsed woman. "Wonderful." He eventually mumbled, stroking the seniles skin with his wrist violently.
"Her names Greta." Nasuto laughed, unclipping the lead rope and handing Greta into Hancocks hands.
"She's very heavy." Hancock stumbled under Gretas heavy, belly tutorial weight but he remained sturdy and began walking out of the shop.
"I WANT PAYMENT." Nasuto roared as they exited, rumbling after the two seniles as they fled from the shop.
"SCAMPER AWAYYY." Bentley sang, grabbing Bentleys ear drums and pulling him along like a chickened out pussy cat.
Soon they had reached camp with Greta still writhing and palpitating in Hancocks arms.
nothing remained at camp.
"What's... HAPPENED WJQKDKAKKKCKQPQP" Bentley started hyperventilating at the sight of the empty camp with clothes strewn across the floor. A note lay on the floor by Kemps cradle, so Bentley picked it up and gently fondled it like a newborn baby before reading it:
(Letter) Dear my Elderly friends,
It's time. Jurassic Elder has opened and you have all received a personal invite. You have no choice over whether to come to Jurassic Elder or not. We are taking you away. Well. I am with my Raptor girls. Be ready. You'll need all the help you can get.

Kind Regards,
Beauty (I love you all my sweety beauty pies)

Bentley dropped the letter after reading it out loud.
"Their at Jurassic Elder. The egg has hatched. Beautys out and about." He whispered.

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