Chapter Two: Wet Finger

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     By the time Elizabeth got back to my office I had yelled at my cock to stay in place and to not move a single inch.

     See here is the thing, I've owned this cock for a long time. We have an understanding, I am in command. I am the man and he is the cock. Our arrangement has worked out well. I decide who we fuck and he gets to go along for the very happy ride.

     Except when Elizabeth walked through my door holding my hot cup of coffee, he sprang right back to life while I was standing.


     I hadn't gotten a hard on at an unexpected time since I was a kid in school. This whole thing was out of my element and when I'm not in my element I am temperamental. Elizabeth was going to make me very fucking temperamental.

     “Ah, thank you.” I said reaching for my coffee, “Please take a seat.”

     “Thank you.” Her raspy voice said as she sat down, “I take it you are about to be very busy.”

     “What exactly, did America tell you about me?”

     “She explained that you would be making an announcement very soon that would change your life completely. She also told me you are a little anal about keeping your office clean.” That's true, I never wanted to feel like I was in a shit hole. I grew up in one and there was no reason for me to work in one. “It was also explained that you might have some very needy requests.”

     “Does that bother you, the needed requests?”

     Her lips perks up to the side and she looked me dead in the eyes, “I doubt there is anything you can request that would be too bad.”

     Have I mentioned how I'm going to kill America? I will. I swear I will. My cock pulsed into life just as he was starting to calm down.

     “So that's a no?”


     “No to the question or no to the answer.”

     “You are confusing me now.” she smiled.

     “Fuck. I am confusing both of us.” I said bringing my fingers through my dark hair.

     Elizabeth threw her head back and laughed this deep, throaty laugh. My senses were instantly on peak. I liked making her laugh. If only my boy downstairs would calm down this could work out. She was obviously not intimidated by my foul language and I needed that. I was running for governor but that didn't mean I wasn't a sailor's kid.

     I knew then that I for fucking sure couldn't do anything with Elizabeth. As much as it pained me I was going to have to get control of the situation and not let my dick between her luscious thighs. If she was going to be a hard worker then I was going to be a good boss.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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