Chapter One: Jumping Cock

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     “I can no longer be your assistant, Luke.” is what started this downfall that you would call my life. You see things were good, America Molet had been a good assistant. Not the best but good.

     At thirty she was dependable and trustworthy to get her job done. She showed up on time, brought my coffee to me steaming hot and black without complaint. America took notes and made sure I made it to all of my appointments.

     “What are you talking about, America?” I asked still looking down at the papers in front of me. My plan to run for Governor was going to be announced that day I needed to sign off a few papers before it could be done. “Why can you no longer be my assistant?”

     “First of all,” Her voice peaked, “you can't even look at me when I'm talking to you.” My eyes raised to see her hands firmly planted on her hips and her blond hair in a messy not at the base of her skull. “Secondly, I don't want to be a part of politics.”

     “You wont be a part of politics, you will be assisting me.” I said trying to keep my voice from sounding as annoyed as I felt.

     “Wrong. You don't even know what political party I am a part of.”

     “Should I?”

     “It's not the one you are with and because of that I can't help you. I wont help you.”

     My mouth dropped, “You are kidding me.”

     “Luke, I mean, Mr. Cardwell, I am most definitely not.” She said briskly before plopping down a stack of papers on my desk. “I've taken the liberty of finding someone to replace me. The woman knows it's temporary unless she can keep you happy. Give her a chance, she will be here this afternoon.”

     “What? You hired someone already?”

     “I knew if I didn't put it on you like this that you wouldn't let me leave so I took the liberty. Elizabeth will be here after lunch.”


     America stood tall. “It has been a treat to work for you, Mr. Cardwell. I thank you for the opportunity.” turning around she went strait out the door she went, not even a goodbye.

     I looked at the stack of papers, on the top was the name Elizabeth Montgomery with a list of details that could have been relevant to her. At twent-five she had graduated college a few short years earlier with plans to be a teacher only to decide she wanted to explore other options before settling down.

     She took a job a flight attendant for three years before returning home only to find out no place was hiring and in the meantime she was happy to have a place of employment in my office. I admit I groaned at this point and stuffed the papers in the garbage can.

     I wanted to trust that America picked another assistant who would be more than capable of fulfilling her duties but I didn't know if I could believe she had it in her after that brief conversation.

     So as you can see I was already in a mood. By the time lunch rolled around I was furious. Then Elizabeth Montgomery walked into my office wearing a tight purple dress that showed every single delicious curve. My cocked literally jumped in my pants and I had to sit down.

     I was going to kill America.

     “Please sit down, Ms. Montgomery.” I growled behind my desk begging God silently to dull the pain of my very happy member. “I was just told a few hours ago you would be my new assistant.”

     Sitting down, Elizabeth gave me a small nod and smile. “Yes, she warned me that you might be a little temperamental.” A little? “She also made it very clear I would be just what you wanted and therefor you would find it in yourself to make my presence here useful.”

     I was literally going to kill America if I saw her again.

     The woman couldn't let go of one small secret I told her while we drank in celebration to her engagement. She asked one simple question: what kind of woman do you want? It was innocent, she had worked with me for almost ten years and was happily in a relationship that would make her a married woman.

     In all the years she worked under my command she never saw me with a woman for good reason. I don't mix my personal life with my business life unless it was to celebrate some kind of happy life event for her.

     I answered her honestly that night. “I like a woman I can fuck.”

     “Well no shit.” she said with a laugh, “What exactly do you like?”

     “I don't know, America.” I said taking another drink. “Short, brunette, curves. Very curvy. The kind I can grab onto and hold against my body.”

     Her eyes went wide with that knowledge, “You like plus size girls? No wonder!”

     “No wonder what?” I questioned.

     “It's just I've never had a second glance from you, not even when I was in my prime.”

     Her answer made me laugh out loud. She was right, I never gave her a second look because she was not the kind of woman I wanted. Not that America wasn't a beautiful woman and not that I wouldn't have fucked her if she wasn't employed by me but she was too tall, too blond, and too skinny for my normal tastes.

     Sitting in front of me was just about perfect. Elizabeth Montgomery was shorter than me (even in heels), dark brunette hair sat curled against her shoulders, and her curves were begging me to plow into her. On top of it all her green eyes held a hint of humor and if I looked too long at her lips I'd picture them wrapped around my throbbing cock.

     Which of course I did do that. I pictured her lips around my cock and nearly groaned from the throbbing that burst through it.

     “So.” I said to Elizabeth as she crossed her legs at the knee, “You think you can take over America's job easily?”

     “I believe so, yes.”

     “Good, go get me a black coffee.”

     At that those perfect cock sucking lips dropped open with shock. It took everything I had not to laugh out loud at the expression. “Any particular size you would like?” she asked.

     “The biggest one they have.” is all I could answer. It was going to take a hell of a lot of coffee to get through the day if I was going to have to watch her thick ass bend over at any point and time.

     As she walked from my office her hips swayed back and forth forcing me to bang my head on my desk before I came in my pants. It was going to be a hell of a test on my nerves if she stuck around in my office for more than a day and I have to admit, I was kind of looking forward to it.

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