Emilie and Paul's Wedding

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A year later.

Emilie' POV
I can't wait to be Mrs. Lahote! I love my family so much, especially Paul and Gina, Gina is so much alike me and I can't believe she is 1 year old, she grow so quickly, I'm glad she look alike me, not Chase, he still in prison, thank god.
I look myself in mirror and my mum doing my hair while Alice doing makeup and Bella helping put dress on Gina. Alice, my mum and Bella are bridesmaids and Gina is flower girl.
Esme is maid of honor, my dad is walking down aisle with me, I sighs.
"Are you nervous?" Alice asked.
"Maybe.... yes I think." I said let out shaky breath, I felt mum rub my back.
"It okay, it be over soon." Mum said.
"Thank mum." I said she smile in mirror as I heard Bella done with Gina I smile and see her in pretty dress. (Picture up above second picture)
"She's so gorgeous!" Alice said.
"Just like her mother." Mum said smile at me, I blush little and hug her.
"Thank mum." I said chuckles as they done with me and Alice went grab a dress and I get change with help from mum and Alice. (Picture first up above)

I grab my arm round linked to my dad. As I saw Esme and Gina walk down aisle first, Esme had to help Gina as Gina doesn't know what to do because she is only 1 year old that why Esme is helping I heard everyone say in awe.
"Ready?" Dad said I nodded and take deep breath as the bridesmaids go down then I and dad follow them.

Dad kiss my forehead then went back sit down next to mum, I face to Paul.
"I ask you each now, to repeat the marriage vows." Priest said Paul smile at me I smile back as he grab my hand.
"I, Paul Lahote take you, Emilie Cullen for my wedded wife, to love and cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. From this day forward." Paul said.
"I, Emilie Cullen take you, Paul Lahote for my wedded husband, to love and cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. From this day forward." I said smile.
Priest speak up... "As you place this ring on your partner's finger I ask that you repeat these words." Paul put ring on my finger and say, "This ring is my sacred gift to you, A symbol of my Love, A sign that from this day forward and always, My Love will surround you, With this ring I thee wed." I put ring on his finger and I say, "This ring is my sacred gift to you, A symbol of my Love, A sign that from this day forward and always, My Love will surround you, With this ring I thee wed."
"May the Peace and the Unconditional Love of God surround you and remain with you now and forevermore. Amen." Priest said as me and Paul kissed.
"Allow me to present Mr. and Mrs. Lahote." Everyone start to cheered and clapping we smile in kiss then face to everyone, I see Gina try walk to us as Paul pick her up and hug me as family. We heard snap I turn round and saw Alice took a picture of us as family.

"I'm so happy for you." Mum said I hug her then my dad, "we love you."
"I love you too." I said smile at them.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Let present to watch a father and daughter dance." Jasper said winked at me and dad.
"Shall we?" Dad asked arm out I wrap my arm round his. "Of course." I said.

It time for me and Paul to go honeymoon in Esme island, I hug my whole family included the pack and said goodbye to them as I get in car to go honeymoon with my husband. Gina had to stay with my family while me and Paul have some parent time.

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