The Truth and Paul

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Emilie's POV
I woke up by heard my mother calling me saying that I got a friend by the door and I wonder who it was, I turn round and look at time I realised it 9am! Emmett is here! Shit! I quickly get change and grab my bag and ran down, "sorry I was sleep." I apologise.
"It okay, are you ready?" Emmett asked I nodded at him as we walk outside to his car as we drive off to The Cullen's house, I wonder what they want to talk? As we arrived there, I got out.
"Let go, everyone is waiting." Emmett said walk inside as I follow him.

I walk inside the living room and saw The Cullen with unfamiliar boys.
"Finally, Everyone, this is Emilie, Emily for short." Carlisle said to boys.
"And Emily, this is Sam, Jacob, Embry, Seth, Jared and Paul." He said, Paul look at me and he froze, I look at him confused.
"So Emily, there something we need to talk to you but promise us, you will never ever tell anyone about us." Carlisle said that doesn't sound good.
"Okayy?" I said waiting for him reply.
"Me and my family are vampires, this boys they are werewolves." He said.
"W-what?" I said stutter not wanting to believe what he just said? Is this a joke?
"It not a joke." Edward said I look at him confused.
"How did you know what I'm thinking?!" I said surprised, "you're so creepy." Making everyone laugh.
"Some of us got gifts like power." Edward said that make sense.
"So you just read-minder aren't you?" I asked, he nodded, "just don't read my mind then, or else your ass get kick." I said warned him making everyone laugh again.
"By you? Nah I'm stronger than human." Edward said smirks.
"Emmett will." I said smile.
"Am I?" Emmett asked confused.
"Yes you, idiot." I said roll my eyes.
"I like her already." Jasper said laugh.
"Me too!" Alice said agreement.
"I guess we all do." Esme said smile.
"I'm starting to think that she start to become like Rosalie." Emmett said.
"Definitely she is!" Jared said join in.

After The Pack goes home, me and The Cullen still at theirs house, Carlisle sat in front of me with Esme next to him.
"Whatever you thinking but I'm promise." I said promised them.
"Thank you, Emily." Carlisle thanked me and Esme smile at me I smile back.
"You know Edward can read your mind and don't blame him, okay?" Esme said I look at her confused.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"About you not been in for few days." Carlisle said I felt cold hand on my warm hand I look at Rosalie who is next to me and Emmett on other side.
"What did he read my mind?" I asked hoping he didn't read my mind about Chase what he did to me.
"Everything." Carlisle said he know everything.
"What everything?" I asked. He sighs.
"That you got raped and abused." He said my heart sink I felt Rosalie rub my hand calm me down because I know I'm about to freak out, they knows.
My phone just rang making me jump as I grab it and it mum, I leave the living room as I speak to mum on phone saying she want me come home.
"Sorry, mum need me." I said quickly ran out the house to my house.

Rosalie's POV
After Emily ran out the house in rush I know she is scared that we know that she raped and abused, poor her. I could kill Chase for what he did to her. She just a child.

It is Monday.
Emilie's POV
I sighs and walk inside the school and attack hug by Alice, I look at her like she is crazy making Edward laugh.
"Stop it." I warned him for read my mind I hate his gifts.
"Ignore him or her, they won't stop." Rosalie said next to me with Emmett.
"Hey! I'm not that bad." Alice said I look at her like she is crazy again.
"You the worse crazy I ever met." I said making Alice gasp and everyone laugh, "much better, bye." I said walk away.
"I'm gonna get you!" Alice said.
"Sorry can't hear you!" I said back.
"Wow, she so rude." Alice said.
"Nah, she is great." Emmett said smile.
"Just like Rosalie." Edward said smile.
"Stop reading my mind." Emmett said.

Rosalie's POV
Everyone say that Emily start to become like me, I'm just few hundred years old and she is 15 years old, I felt like she is my daughter or something. But she got a family, I hope we be friends. It getting strange to me because Emily never late to school everyday but this time she late and Emmett said when he about pick her up and she was still sleep when her mother calling for her, I wonder what up with her this time? I should go ask Esme or Carlisle to see  if they know anything. I hope she not sick.

Sorry about short story.

Teen Mom (Paul Lahote love story) Completed Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ