Trouble and Gina is born

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3 months later.
Emilie is 8 months pregnant and she got one more month left until her baby will be born soon.

Alice had a vision and she saw what in vision that The Volturi is coming and they heard about Emilie and the baby.
They all panicked and don't know what to do because they are afraid what The Volturi might to do to Emilie, kill her?
They trying figure it out how to stop them coming to hurt Emily and baby.

Emmett's POV
I don't want them to see Emily, I don't want them to hurt her or the baby. I'm scared what will happen, we may be not to win this because Jane and Alec is the worse witch, they can easy kill us with their gifts and also Fleix is strongest than me, The Pack will be here to protect us and help to keep Emily safe, Sam thought it better if Seth or Paul take Emily into the woods to Sam's wife house and keep her safe.
We having a discussion who will take Emily to Sam's wife Emily house.
"I think Seth should, he young and you don't want him to get hurt." Alice said.
"Let vote, who want take Emily?" Carlisle asked, "I pick Seth."
"Paul." Rosalie said worried.
"Paul." I said I'm worried too.
"Seth." Alice said already voted.
"Seth." Jasper said.
"Seth." Jared said.
"Paul." Edward said.
"Seth." Bella said.
"Paul." Embry said.
"Seth." Jacob said.
"Seth." Sam said.
"Seth." Quil said.
"Seth." Esme said, that 9 vote for Seth and 4 vote for Paul.
"So Paul, do you want take her or Seth will?" Carlisle asked.
"Seth." Paul said I guess he doesn't want Seth get hurt too, they are closer.
"Alright then, Seth will take Emily." Carlisle said finally and sighs.

"I love you." Rosalie said to Emily.
"I love you too and you." Emily said us.
"We love you millions." I said making her and Rosalie laugh, I smirks.
"I'm scared." Emily said voice cracks as we hug her tightly try not to hurt baby.
"We will be back for you." Rosalie said.
"Don't worry about us, okay it not good for baby if you stress." I said.
"I know." Emily said.

It is night and The Volturi will be here as Emily and Seth start to leave and we all hug her for last time as she left with Seth into the woods to Sam's wife.

Seth's POV
It really dark out here and I heard the battle is start now, I already told Emily.
"Nearly there." I said we had to walk slow because Emily is tired and barely walk because she is 8 months pregnant.
When I heard she groan I turn round and saw she bend down and hold her belly, "are you okay?" I asked.
"I can't walk anywhere further." She said, I know I'm 15 years old but I'm strong and I can carry her.
"I pick you up." I said she look at me like I'm crazy of course.
"No way." She said I chuckles.
"Wel-" I said until she scream. "Emily!"
"I think the baby is coming!" She said.
"Wait what?!" I said panicked.
"Just call Emily!" She yelled I grab phone out and call Emily,

"Hello?" Emily said in phone.

"Emily is in labour!" I yelled.

"What?! I'm on way, where are you?" Emily said.

"In the woods nearly beach." I said.

"I be there! Just tell her to breath and it helps." Emily said.

"Okay! Hurry!" I said turn phone off.

"Emily is on way now. Just breath." I said help Emily get down on floor and lean back by tree. I sat next to her and she hold my hand and she squeeze it I know she is in pain, I can't believe she is really having baby right now. I heard pants breathing and running behind me I know it Emily arrived now with blanket and water bottle and cloth.
"Here, Seth, put this on her head." Older Emily said gave me wet cloth as I put it on Emilie head and hold it.
"It hurts." Emilie said cries.
"I know it will, it be over soon." Emily said taking Emilie pant off along with underwear too and put blanket over her legs, "it happened fast, I can see head." Emily said I'm shocked.
"She gonna give birth here in the woods?" I said it not safe here.
"Yes she will be, okay Emily, are you ready to push?" Emily asked Emilie nodded and push and scream and squeeze my hand same times. I hate to see her in pain like this I wish Paul was here to be with her.
"Again." Emily said, Emilie scream and push harder, grip my hand tightly.
"One more, you can do it." Emily said. Emilie take deep breath and push again and scream louder, oh god that could be worse pain she ever had until we heard a baby cries I sighs in relief.
"Happy Birthday Gina." Emily said smile grab blanket wrap round Gina and gave it to Emilie as she grab her.
"Should I go check Paul?" I asked.
"No! It dangerous!" Emily said.
"It been hours!" I said.
"Just be careful but first help me get her to my house." Emily said.
"Take Gina while I help Emily." Emily said I nodded as Emilie gave Gina to me and Emily help her get up as we walking to her house I look down to Gina, I froze oh no I just imprinted on Gina! "I pick Emily up so you have Gina." I said quickly panicked little.
"Alright." Emily said grab Gina and I pick Emilie up to house and put her down on couch and I'm about to leave until Emilie calling my name,
"Seth, is there something you got to tell me?" Emilie said I look at her.
"No." I said ready to go out.
"Did you imprinted on my daughter?" Emilie said I sighs and leave.

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