Chapter 2

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Leah's POV

It had been three days since my chat with Jc, where he convinced me to make the move from Oregon down to LA. I had almost all of my stuff packed. Boxes lined the walls of my bedroom full of trinkets and clothes, I was leaving my bed and main furniture here and buying more when I got to LA.

Two hours later I was carrying the last three boxes down to my car carefully with the help of my little siblings Caleb and Monique, they are twins aged 7. I love them dearly but sometimes they are the biggest pains in my ass, other times we got along amazingly. For example, Caleb and I love watching Jim Carrey movies together (my favourite being Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and his being Dumb and Dumber). Where as Monique and I sing songs and draw.

As we packed the last box into the car they both grabbed me and hugged me. "Leah we are going to miss you so much" Monique cried into my shirt as Caleb nodded along with her. "Aww guys, don't worry. You are still going to talk to me, I'll call you every week I promise, and I'll pay for you guys to visit me over the next school break. Okay?" I proposed as they looked up at me with teary eyes. They pondered for a second before nodding their heads vigorously. This made me chuckle and I pulled them into another hug. Just as the embraces finished my parents walked out of the house with looks of excitement across their faces. "I can't believe you are actually doing it!" My mum squealed as she started to ramble about how I was finally going to make the drive before my dad cut in.
"Yeah she is making the drive, with my spare tyre". He grumbled before letting out a smile.
"Hey, I'm not the one who left a rake sitting on the driveway". I accused as we both smiled. A silence fell over us all before my mum spoke up again. "Just remember Leah, if you need anything we are one call away". She said softly. "I'll make sure to mum". I replied
"And if any of these friends of Jc's try to lay a hand on you, I'm one call away". I laughed at the thought of my dad trying to fight Kian and Corey and this new boy Bobby I haven't met.

"I love you all heaps and I'll see you next month when you come to visit okay?" I look at them as they all nodded solemnly. "Right then, here I go, off to LA" I said as I moved towards my car door hopping in. I fiddled with my keys before putting them in my ignition. I quickly posted a photo to Instagram of my steering wheel and captioned it 'LA, here I come'. Within seconds it got hundreds of likes and comments about how my fans were so excited to see what I'd do in LA. It made me smile, this is why I do my job. I loved my fans so much for all they have done for me and I couldn't wait to get to LA and give them what they deserved.


I had been driving for 9 hours, with various pit stops along the way. There was so much scenery to take in, that I never would have even thought of if I had taken a flight. I looked at my maps, only 4 more hours to go. The more I thought about it, the more my stomach churned, I was moving to a new place with new people. Of course I knew a lot of them from YouTube but I was worried I wasn't going to fit in, everyone already had their cliques and I know I'm friends with Kian and Jc but they have so many friends. I decided to push my thoughts to the side and put on music.

A few hours had passed and darkness had already crept upon me, I didn't mind since the dark was quite calming to me in a way, I always found it soothing. Just something about the quiet and stillness mad me curious.

I drove a bit further and then saw a sign on the freeway 'Los Angeles 5 miles away' I felt myself let out a squeal as I did a little dance in my seat. I am here and I have finally done it. I look around at all the bright lights and busy streets, it's one in the morning and they are able to stay this busy. There were so many people with places to be and all different stories of their own. I followed my google maps to the address Jc gave me yesterday (but I stopped through McDonalds first getting pancakes). I finally pulled up to Jc's house that he shared with four other crazy people, I sat on the driveway with my eyes closed. I really did it I'm actually here I thought as I embraced the entire situation, letting it flow over me and settle in to my brain. Jc offered for me to live with them since they have a spare room but I just felt it would be too much for me and I was really looking forward to having my own place and starting a new branch in my life. But I would stay with them until I found that special place.

I got out of the car and looked up at the huge house, all the lights were still on and I could hear loud noises coming from inside. Seriously? 1am and they are still awake, boy am I in for a treat. I knock on the door and hear more yelling before very loud footsteps approach, the door is ripped open and immediately I am pulled into a hug. It's none other than my best friend Jc Caylen. I smile and hug back as tears fill my eyes.
"I missed you so much, you don't even understand" I sobbed pathetically into his shoulder as he chuckled.
"Aww babe don't cry, you're here now! Think about that, you made it. You're in LA" he exclaimed smiling even wider which changed my face to match his. He hugged me once more before running to the car to get my bags, I laughed at his actions going to grab some for myself. As we walked in to the house I questioned "wait did you stay up for me?" He laughed "we all did, everyone is so excited, Corey and Kian haven't seen you in ages and Franny is bursting at the seams to meet you. I do apologise though because your soulmate Bobby had to go to bed since he's filming Tattoo Roulette very early in the morning". I looked at him funnily "my soulmate?" I snorted at this and kept walking. I got to a living room just before three people jumped out yelling 'surprise!' I laughed at them before giving Kian a hug "I missed you so much!" He exclaimed, as well as Corey.
"Thank you, you love me, you really love me!" I exclaimed quoting Jim Carrey from The Mask. "You see this is why you're my favourite" Kian said as he hugged me again.

I looks to the side and saw Franny standing there looking like she was about to explode. I opened my arms towards her and she jumped to hug me.
"Wow, I have been so excited to meet you! Hi I'm Franny!" She almost yelled. I smiled and hugged her back. "I have been wanting to meet you too! You already know but I'm Leah". We both smiled before Jc said that everyone had to go to bed so I could get settled in. He showed me to the guest room and told me where everything was before hugging me again and going to bed.


I couldn't sleep at all, I was too excited and I found myself reading out on the balcony until the sun rose. I found it a suitable time to be awake so I wandered down to the kitchen in my pj's which included my Jim Carrey top and pj shorts. My hair was in a messy bun along with a cardigan I grabbed out of my suitcase. I stood in the kitchen quietly making myself tea before I heard a scampering noise come towards me. A small white fluffy dog came running at me and he jumped up at my legs pawing and licking with excitement. I let out a coo "awww hello little guy and just who do you belong to" I said while scratching him behind the ear. A voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "He's mine" it was raspy like the person had just woken up "his name is DiCaprio" he continued. "That's such a cute name!" I followed the legs of the person and looked up. He was tall with dark hair that was a bit all over the place, his features were soft and a warm smile sat upon his lips, his eyes a dark chocolate brown. He was wearing a ripped tie dye shirt and black jeans. I shook myself out of my stare and smiled holding my hand out "you must be Bobby, I'm Leah" I said as he shook my hand he stuttered as if looking for words. "Yeah it's nice to meet you, nice shirt by the way" he smiled at me. I blushed looking down at my pj's. "Well it is my favourite shirt so I thought why not wear it my first day here?" I chuckled. "Well he is amazing, you, Kian and I will have to have a marathon". He replied before we simultaneously said "starting with The Truman Show" we looked at each other we burst out laughing. "Do you want some tea?" I asked politely. "I really wish I could but I have to shoot off, it was very nice meeting you, Leah." He apologised, his eyes lingered on mine for a split second before he picked his denim jacket off the back of the couch and headed out the door.
I think I'm going to enjoy my time in LA after all.


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A/N: Guys! Leah made it to LA and she finally met Bobby! I really hope you are enjoying this story, please give me feedback if you are reading. I have reads but no votes which means you guys are ghosting haha. It would mean a lot if you voted and commented so I knew what you guys thought. Love you all and I'll see you next chapter.

xoxo Bella Columbus

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