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I high fived the engineering elves as we finally finished the storage room's new set up. "This looks amazing!" Dad said as he came down the stairs. We watched as more teddy bear fluff was sucked up some tubes and sent off to the elves in need of it. "And it's already doubled the toys made." I replied. Dad wrapped and arm around my shoulders and squeezed, "You are amazing, you know that?" He asked. I scoffed as I started to blush. "It's just some tubes." I replied. "Just some tubes?" Quintin asked, "Seraphina, this is more than  just some tubes. Your father is right, you should be proud of this." He said. "Thanks guys." I said. "Hey, what time is it?" I asked. Dad looked at his watch and said, "It's 7:30."
I gasped as I got out from his arm and started towards the stairs. "Where are you going?" Dad asked. "I'm late for the party!" I called back as I ran up the stairs.
I had to stop for a second at the top to catch my breath, then ran to my room to get ready.
To say I was nervous was a total understatement.
I've never been to a dance before in my life, why was this one so important to me? "You know exactly why." The voice inside my head told me. I sighed and ignored her as I pulled on my dress.


Bernard looked at himself once more before sighing and looking at Judy. "I really have to wear this?" He asked, feeling very uncomfortable in the suit that Judy insisted on. "You want to look nice, don't you?" She asked. Bernard nodded, "Yes, but I have nicer clothes that aren't these monkey suits." He said. Judy picked up the empty mug and cocoa tray as she walked to his door, "I choose the suit, but if you'd rather wear something else, by all means." She said, leaving him alone to think.
"You want to make a good impression, don't you?" The voice in the back of his head asked. He nodded to himself, "I do. But... Phi likes my elf clothes. She won't mind them." He said to his reflection in the mirror.
That's when he decided to pull out some of his nicer elf clothes and wear those instead.
His heart was hammering at the thought of being there with Seraphina. He'd kept his feelings to himself for so long, tonight was the night he felt he could finally come clean. He would prove her wrong tonight, show her that he was capable of romance. He would finally admit to being in love.


I pulled on my red converse just as Carol walked into the room

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I pulled on my red converse just as Carol walked into the room. "Oh, you look so beautiful!" She said. I smiled. "Thank you," I said, my voice shaking. I looked in the mirror once more as I thought over anything else I could do, forgetting that I was already almost am hour and a half late. I played with the ends of my red hair, until Carol spoke up, "Would you like me to fix it for you?" She asked. I nodded and she smiled as she walked over to me. She gently brushed it out, then made a braid on either side of my head that combined into one big fishtail braid wrapping over my shoulder. "I love it!" I exclaimed, hugging her when she was finished. "You hurry up now and get to that party! You wouldn't want to keep him waiting." She said with a small smirk. I laughed and rolled my eyes as I grabbed my dark wrap before leaving my room and walking down the stairs. "Wow. Look at you!" Dad said. "Do I look okay?" I asked, playing with the sleeves of my dress. "You look beautiful sweetheart. I hope you have fun." he said. "Are you coming?" I asked him. "Maybe. If I get through the Naughty-and-Nice list in time." he said. "Have fun with that." I said. "Oh I will. Cause checking off a list of billions of names, twice, is just the best." he replied sarcastically. I laughed and kissed his cheek, "I'll see you later, Dad."

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