"Hey buddy. Shh now okay?" I heard Lance whisper to my son softly. Carter blubbered a little, blearily looking up at him in surprise. It looked a little confused to be in Lance's arms instead of my own and Carter immediately began looking around for either me or Calum.

"Ah." He cried out lightly. Calum squeezed my hand so we both wouldn't rush over to get him. Jake held out his arms for our son and Lance began to hand him over. Jake and Ella have babysat Carter or come over to see him on more occasions than Lance has so Carter begins to settle a little when he recognizes Jake as a familiar face. Or maybe Jake and I look more alike than I'd want to admit and Carter thinks he's me. Whatever the cause, Carter stays quiet and Calum begins to say his vows.

"If someone had told me seven years ago that I was going to marry my best friends sister, I probably would've laughed." I roll my eyes at him as the congregation chuckles a little. "You hated me. Or at least I thought you did." I watch him rub his neck sheepishly. "I still remember the day I found out you thought I was cute." My eyes widen a little. I want to reach out and punch Calum. He always teased me, saying he'd mention the whole fiasco that started our love affair at our wedding or at the reception. I always thought he was joking. I swear to god if he mentions the diary or my underwear... I'm walking out of this damn church. He laughs a little, probably guessing what's running through my head. He takes my hands.

"I remember it like it was yesterday Lily and you look just as beautiful as you do now as you did back then." I have to bite my tongue to hold back my sarcastic remark. Really? Because my mom worked really hard on her makeup skills. Are you sure I don't look prettier now? "I couldn't ask for a better best friend." Jake clears his throat behind him and I shoot my brother a look but he's just smiling. "Or a better wife or a better mother for our child." I feel him squeeze my hands. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, like we always talked about. I can't imagine being with anyone but you and I have... I have no idea what I would do without you." The last part comes out so quietly I don't think anyone's heard but I can hear people sniffling and crying so they must have. I have to blink back my own tears so I don't ruin my makeup.

"And now, Lily Carson. You may recite your own vows." I laugh nervously, shaking my head as I look to the ground,

"Well can you believe I forgot what I was going to say?" I ask out loud to no one in particular. The congregation laughs as I try to compose myself to remember the speech I thought I had memorized. "The day Jake brought his new friend home I remember being a snarky little sophomore in high school who kept making fun of his name." There's another short round of laughs. "Calum Hood? Really? What kind of name is that? I think were my exact words and now here I am making myself Lily Hood so.. Go figure I guess." More laughter. I hear Carter squeal and Calum is shaking his head at me. He knew I wouldn't be able to stop myself from being sarcastic up here.

"I didn't know that you were going to end up being the man of my dreams or the father of my kids but now... Now I can't imagine my life ending up any other way. I am the best thing that's ever happened to you." He squeezes my hand as there's more laughter around us. "And you are my soulmate Calum. I've never really believed in soulmates but you are the person that knows every single thing about me and still manages to love me." I bit my lip. I've gone a bit off track. I need to stop trying to joke around and be more sincere. The laughter dies down again. "You are the love of my life Calum and if I could go back to that day we first met, I would do this all over again and I wouldn't change a damn thing." I wonder if it's okay to curse in church but it's too late now. People are cheering and hollering and soon... Oh so very soon, Calum and I will be married.

"Calum Thomas Hood, do you take Lily Jamie Carson to be your lawfully wedded wife."

"I do." He says with such purpose that I might just cry right now.

"And do you, Lily Jamie Carson take Calum Thomas Hood to be your lawfully wedded husband." I restrain myself from saying, you betcha or ditto, or damn right and instead say,

"I do." Calum smiles at me wildly.

"You may now kiss the bride." I've never been more excited to kiss Calum than I am right now. I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him and he laughs as he kisses me back, his hands on my waist. The cheers are endless and I hear Jackie shouting some slightly indecent things you shouldn't say in a church. My dad is whistling and I swear that I hear Jake say, Alright, back up from my sister Calum. We pull back, both of us grinning from ear to ear. He holds out his arm for me so we can walk down the aisle. But a small cry breaks me from my happy stupor.

"Carter!" I exclaim, pulling Calum towards our son. Carter is blubbering in Jakes arms, his bottom lip jutted out and his eyes watery like he's about to cry. "Hello baby." I say to him, scooping Carter out of my brothers arms. Calum is right next to me, holding Carter's small hand in his own. I feel Jake kiss my forehead.

"Go on you two, walk down the aisle now." He says. I kiss Jakes cheek and he blushes. Calum helps me down the steps of the alter as I try to calm our fussy son. The loud cheering and clapping startled him but he's a little happier now that he's in my arms.

"Hey buddy." Calum says to him, smoothing back Carter's dark hair. "Have a nice nap?"

"I think he had a very nice nap didn't you baby." I coo at him. Everyone's throwing rose petals and Carter is in awe of it, reaching out to try to grab the softly floating flowers. Calum and I laugh as one lands on his face. I brush it aside and Carter is smiling. Calum's arm goes around me and he kisses my forehead. The ushers open the doors of the church for us. The sun is bright and the air is crisp and Calum and I are married.

I haven't edited anything so all of these parts that are posted are probably full of misspellings, typos and shitty grammar... lol bear with me pls

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