Ellegra scoffed. "Wow. And I thought I was a terrible liar. Seriously? How stupid do you think I am? You followed us all this way just to say two words you've probably never said in your life? Why start now?"

"Because I wouldn't be here without your help. And neither would you without mine. So, thank you... Ellegra." He smirked softly, glancing at her with a smug look.

Her chest filled with a jittery excitement. He'd never said her name before. He'd teased her and called her names, but never her own. A part of her liked the way it flowed so easily from his lips. She fought back the smile that tried to creep onto her face. Damn his endless charm and teasing. "So what you're really saying is that you came back to rub it in my face that you saved my life on more than one occasion? How chivalrous. I'm touched, truly." She laughed in spite of herself. His chuckle eased the tension in her shoulders.

They fell into a relaxed silence, the two of them watching the moon's reflection bounce off the waves the boat caused in the water. Ellegra had never liked the ocean. There was something about its dangerous beauty that made her heart speed up each time a wave passed. The sight of the water crashing against the side of the ship and settling into a still sea both exhilarated and unsettled her. Faine didn't seem as uneasy, and she found herself a little envious at his ability to stay standing upright and not heave up his dinner.

"I also never would have guessed you were a night owl," he said, breaking the solemn silence.

Ellegra frowned. "I'm not," she said in a low voice. "I couldn't sleep." His eyebrow shot up inquisitively. He turned his body towards her with interest, intrigued by her confession. She cleared her throat, thrumming her fingers along the railing. "I get seasick."

"You were honest about being a terrible liar." Her eyes sought his, finding them staring intensely down at her with concern and curiosity. "Why don't you spare us the extra words and just tell me the truth?"

Just thinking about it brought tears to her eyes. A lump the size of her fist wedged itself in her throat. The air around them suddenly grew colder. "Because you'd think I'm lying if I did." A tear fell down her cheek before she could stop it from dropping into the ocean below.

As if knowing she was going to leave, Faine stepped in front of her. "So then tell me and let me make up my own mind." The waves danced in his blue eyes. A chill swept under her skin and pushed her hair upright. "You trusted me enough to help you get your friend back. Why is now any different?"

She swiped at her eyes, hating herself for crying in front of him. "Because back then I was paying you to help me. You were a mercenary looking for money, and you still are and I no longer need your help. Now you're here for who knows what and I'm finally on my way to safety. Telling you would put all we've been through this past year in jeopardy." She stepped around him.

"Ellegra." The way her name rolled off his tongue froze her to her core. His tone held a grave urgency and unmoving command that sent a ripple of shock through her. "I pay attention more than you think and I'm more than capable of putting two and two together. I understand now why you hated me calling you 'princess', because that's what you are: Princess Ellegra Mannox of the Royal Cureldin monarchy. The princess who could send a man to his knees with just a bat of her lashes and a stroke of her sword." She felt her cheeks warm and snorted. "The girl who wanted nothing more than to be seen as more than just a wife." Her hands balled into fists, her body trembled with sobs she could hardly contain. His words were unraveling all that she kept buried. "The woman who killed her own father because she wouldn't be named Queen."

She whirled, flushing her toes against his until his back was hanging over the rail of the ship. "That is a lie!" Her cheeks burned with the streams that poured down them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2018 ⏰

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