Chapter Two

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At some point during the next evening, Ellegra's stomach began to growl uncontrollably and forced her from the softest bed she'd ever slept on. Her wrapped feet hit the floor gently. Blisters between her toes and on the heel of her feet cried out in protest. After so much walking she'd lost feeling in everything save the gritty sensation of her tongue scratching her inner cheek, searching for water on her lips and only finding more sand and grit.

Tamshie was still wrapped in the sheets, but one of the mugs the barkeep had carried up was tipped over on the floor by her bed, not a single drop left inside. Ellegra felt the same and dragged herself over to the wardrobe, painfully reaching her numb arm out to curl her fingers around the handle and lift the heavy cup to her lips. Warm ale splashed on her tongue and washed down her throat. She couldn't hold back the moan that left her lips. Her tongue lapped up the dull liquid, surprisingly tasting a hint of peaches and honey. Odd for an ale, but she didn't ponder the thought too much and continued to drain the rest of her mug until it mirrored Tamshie's.

The other girl gave a light snort and shifted in bed, turning away from the orange light pouring in through the room from the window. Squinting, she lifted a red hand to shield her eyes and turned to face Ellegra, her eyes focusing more as she found her friend standing. Ellegra sat down on the bed and raked her hand through her dirty hair, matted dry sand caked around locks, rocks and branches in others. She knew she smelled, but she was still too drained to think about caring. Tamshie carefully pushed herself onto her elbows, looking straight at her with a look that read both empty and full of sympathy as she watched her contemplate their next move. A part of her wanted to suggest something, but she knew that whatever she could possibly say would be something she needed individually and would feel a pang of regret later for being selfish. Instead she kept her mouth shut and dropped her gaze to the floor.

Sighing, Ellegra pushed her hair away from her face and was ready to say something when a knock came at the door. Tamshie stiffened, her eyes shifting between Elegra and the door.

Ellegra tested her gruff voice twice before finally coughing out, "What?"

"Meals are being served in the tavern if you gentlemen are hungry," came the barkeeper's voice. Both girls instantly felt their shoulders drop in relief. "I'd assume you two must be starving. You've slept right through most of the day."

"Just regaining our strength from the journey."

"I thought so." He chuckled lightly, but Ellegra detected his tone wasn't as innocent as it seemed. And when he spoke next, she knew why. "Where did you gentlemen say you were travelling from?"

"We didn't," she barked curtly. "How much to bring up two basins and hot water for baths?"

He hesitated, and it gave Ellegra a moment to rethink the money left in the purse. Just last night she'd spent more in one day than she had in a month. She had suddenly become so reckless with the leftover money, and even without her having to say anything she knew Tamshie felt it as well. "Bath houses are further down the street near the tailor's shop. I can send someone ahead to prepare the water—"

"Do they run all night?"

He sighed. "Yes."

"Thank you. I think that will be all for now." Ellegra looked at Tamshie. It had been so long since she'd seen the look of exhaustion even remotely faded from the girl's features, but now she looked almost completely revived. The bags under her eyes weren't as dark as they had been yesterday morning, and her skin looked more replenished. The burns on her skin were still a bright red, but the pain didn't seem to bother her as much anymore when she moved around. "We'll head for the bath houses when it gets darker out. Then we can go find ourselves something to eat."

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