Chapter Twelve

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By nightfall, the four of them had reached far enough away that Faine believed they would be safe to rest for a time. It wasn't safe to stay for the night, but they could afford a moment's respite. Romi and Tamshie switched off on supporting Ellegra as they walked, with Faine following behind to divert their tracks and make sure the traders were far enough behind.

With the silence suffocating them, Tamshie couldn't help but lean in and whisper, "Isn't he the fighter from the arena?"

Ellegra glanced over at her shoulder, watching Faine as he walked backward and turned back to them, his eyes finding her. She turned away and nodded. "Yeah," she said with a disgruntled sigh.

"Not that I'm complaining, because it's actually a blessing that he is, but why is he here?"

Ellegra couldn't help but smile to herself. "That's actually a long story, and unfortunately, my broken rib doesn't really allow me to talk for too long without hurting."

Tamshie gave a weak smile. "Right. Sorry." But she couldn't let it go. Faine had been in the cave fighting the night she and Ellegra had gotten separated. She thought he'd disappeared after the guards stormed in and broke up the crowds, yet here he was. "It's just... how does he know who you are?"

"What do you mean?" Ellegra's brow furrowed.

"He called you princess back there. How does he know who you are?"

Ellegra shook her head, a considerable pain ebbing in her side. "He doesn't. I didn't give him my name when I hired him— for obvious reasons— but he thinks I'm bossy. So that's what he calls me." She shrugged and instantly regretted it.

"Wait. You hired him?"

"I had to. I couldn't find you on my own, and until he said something, I thought you were dead. I saw you shot down, Tam. When I passed out, Faine stopped them from taking me. They took you and without his help I wouldn't be here." Come to think of it, if Faine hadn't stepped in, she still would have ended up with Tamshie. She just would have been sold off. Based off the trader's reaction when Faine had brought her to him, she would have sold quickly, too. "How are you still here? They auction off the girls within the first few days."

Tamshie opened her mouth, but Romi beat her to it. "She is not pretty," she said bluntly. Tamshie leaned forward to glare at her. Ellegra laughed. She didn't mind the pain that came with it this time. It felt good to laugh again.

The four of them came to rest behind one of the large rocks that shielded them. No fires, Faine instructed, but the girls were too exhausted from the walk that the mere thought of creating a fire made them groan. Romi collapsed into the sand, and Tamshie's knees begged to do the same. Faine carefully helped set Ellegra on the ground, her back coming to rest against the rock. She beckoned Tamshie closer. "Let me look at your head." She reached her hands out, but Tamshie shook her head.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

"No, you're not. You're bleeding. Come here."

"Ellegra, really, I'm fine. Look." Bending forward, Tamshie turned her head and pushed her hair aside, revealing a missing chunk of hair and skin, but no wound. The gash in her head was nothing but a thin white line, a better scar than she could have hoped for had she gotten it sewn back together. "No wound."

"But how..." Ellegra couldn't find the words.

Tamshie glanced back at Romi, who gave a reluctant nod. "I am healer," Romi said quietly.

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