Chapter 4

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"Wow!~" Naeun squealed her eyes twinkling with excitement as she watched a magnificent scene unfold in front of her as the door was being opened.

2 wide marble staircases, supported by a few columns, lined with sleek black metal railings which were made up of a beautiful intricate design were the first things to enter her line of vision. It was not short after until she also noticed the breathtaking crystal chandelier that hangs in the centre of the room, between the 2 staircases, and the floors that were polished so much she could probably see her reflection in if she went a little closer. (A/N: lol I can't describe I just slapped a bunch of adjectives in there, refer to the image below as it makes up for my sad sad description)

 (A/N: lol I can't describe I just slapped a bunch of adjectives in there, refer to the image below as it makes up for my sad sad description)

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(Something like this ^^ but just the staircase and the hallway, not the rooms at the sides with the doorways with the curtain things)

"Welcome Miss Kim and Mr Lee, I have been informed over the phone briefly about your short term memory loss so I believe you may not know who I am. My name is Cha Min-ki and I work here as your household's butler. Feel free to call for me and I will happily be able to help you out with anything you like. Now if you would excuse me." Minki says bowing in respect, which was quickly returned by Naeun and Minhyuk, before turning around and heading down the hallway.

"Hmm what should we do first?" Minhyuk asks as he takes off his long black padding jacket.

"Naeun?" he says turning to face her.

"Oh uhh. I don't know…" Naeun responds closing her mouth which was still left wide open from how shocked she was earlier.

"Lets go put those in your room first." pointing to the several suitcases near the entrance he replies.

Naeun nods her head in agreement as she slowly follows him up the stairs carrying the cases. After reaching the end of a small hallway they reached a set of white double doors with a gold handle. She stepped forward ,assuming it was her room, to open the door for Minhyuk so he could bring the suitcases inside.

"Woah. I got a hint that we were somewhat rich but I didn't think we would be millionares??" she exclaimed once again blown away by the fanciness of her room.

"Your family owns a company."

"Damn." she replied still in amazement

"Dambi where are you? Come here!~" Minhyuk calls out as a small cute little dog comes running towards him. He lowers himself to pat her, Naeun also lowering herself to pat the little cutie.

"Aww why are you so cute~" she says scratching behind Dambi's ears as she gets herself into a comfortable position.

"This is my dog Dambi if you forgot I hope you don't mind her being here as I didn't want to leave her all by herself at home" Minhyuk says.

"Ahh it's fine, I love dogs!~" Naeun replies holding Dambi before planting a kiss on her head.

"Maybe I shouldn't have brought her" he says sporting a pouty look on his face.

"Aigoo, don't tell me your jealous of your own dog Minhyuk." she says whilst giggling in disbelief.

"Maybe I am?~" Minhyuk replies smiling at her.

(A/N: lol this isn't consistent really with the fact she has short term memory loss but what I guess I meant was she lost some memories like who her family is, minhyuk, etc at first but she quickly regains the main parts ??? Uhh like she dosen't remember how the accident happened but dunno i'm confused too haha might rewrite this when its completed, even though no one reads this ahh, if i even get to that stage.)

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