A Concert to Attend

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The next morning, I woke up. I got up and my legs felt damp. I looked down and saw blood. I had gotten my period and it seemed to be the most inconvenient timing.

"I know, I'll just go into the bathroom and change. Oh my gosh, I didn't even bring clothes to change into!" I thought to myself. I started to breath harder as I panicked more.

Louis looked at me. He turned away and walked toward a bag. He got a sweater and gave it to me.

"You could just wrap that around your waist" He said, while looking away from me.

I wrap it around me and we both realize it doesn't really help.

"Guys, we have to make an emergency stop. I repeat, we have to make an emergency stop" Louis informed them

"What for?" Liam wondered

"Something wrong?" Zayn questioned

"Louis, what are you doing?" I asked

"We need to get you a new outfit or two," Louis said, "but I'm going with you. I just need a disguise"

Louis went through a bag he had, and took out a black wig and sunglasses.

"Okay, let's go" Louis said

We stopped the bus and got out.

"Is there even a clothing store here?" I asked

"I see one! Let's go to the soup store!" Louis exclaimed

"They don't sell clothes at the soup store"

"Really? Do you want to fight me on this?"

We head into the store and after passing the soup aisle four times, I went to buy some basic clothes for myself. Luckily, there weren't many costumers. I realized I didn't have my phone on me. I panicked and started to head back to the bus to get it.

"Where do you think you're going?" Louis asked

"I left my phone in the bus"

"You shouldn't be too dependent on your phone. Come on, we came here to get you an outfit"

I went into a section and looked around. I wanted to get clothes a size bigger than my actual size because I didn't want to waste time in a locker room. If my pants were too big, I would put a belt with it. If my shirt was too big, I would tuck it into my pants. If I had big sweater or hoodie, I would leave it like that because oversized sweaters and hoodies are the best.

I chose two basic shirts and jeans. I also got myself a cute sweater. I got two pack of undergarments as well. Louis decided to wait for me by the cashier. I got a package of pads and then went up to buy the items. I paid for my things and Louis and I headed back to the bus.

I went to the bathroom and changed my outfit quickly. I headed back to where the boys were. Nothing much happened during the rest of the ride, so I'll skip to the part of when we got to the next concert.

When the bus stopped, Niall asked me if I wanted to go with them. I didn't know why he would bother to ask if he knew the last few times I didn't go. I politely rejected his offer. Soon, the other boys started chattering.

"You have to go!" Harry exclaimed

"He has a point, you haven't gone to any of our concerts during this tour" Zayn pointed out

"If you go, we guarantee a first row seat for you" Liam told me

"A first row seat! That would be a difficult offer to reject" Louis said

"Well, when you put it that way it sounds like a really good deal. Attending a concert and to add to it, free seating. Not only is it free seating, but it's the first row. I'll go with you guys, this time"

We headed out of the bus. I headed in my own direction and the boys headed in one direction.

When I got there, it was crowded. People were trying to find seats and people were anticipating for the boys to come out. I found a seat in the front row which said reserved and it had my name on it. I look at the seat next to it and I see my best friend. She patted the seat as if to tell me to sit down. Inside, I was confused. I was wondering to myself what she was doing at this concert.

Before I could even question her, the boys came on to the stage. I could hear all the Fangirls yelling and screaming. It was even louder than the first concert I was at.

Soon, the boys started singing. The crowd seemed to be very interactive. They sang a few of their songs.

After four songs, Liam speaks. He asks for me to come on up to the stage and looks directly at me. I was totally shocked and it took me at least 30 seconds to take it all in. I managed to get myself onto the stage.

Liam gave me his microphone. He looked over to Louis, who still had his microphone, and Louis spoke. He said I could sing with them. My heart beats faster. I looked at the crowd, and then saw my friend looking back at me. I put the microphone up toward my mouth.

"I have been brought up to this stage to sing, but I think there is someone this crowd more deserving of this opportunity than me. I would like my best friend to come up on stage"

My friend looked at me and her eyes widened. She sat there and everyone was applauding loud. Her reaction was similar to mine few minutes prior.

She got up and I reached my hand out to help pull her onto the stage. I helped her up and then she stood on center stage. I gave her the microphone and walked over toward the side of the stage. She looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back. She looked at the crowd. The music started playing and she started singing. She lead the music and the boys acted as her secondary vocalists.

When the song ended, the audience apluaded loudly. Her and I went back to our seats and we watched the rest of the concert. The boys preformed more songs. When it ended, I met her outside and started to wonder why she was there. It seems like she had read my mind because she started to speak.

"Okay, you might be confused," She said, "and you also may wonder why I showed up. They managed to get a hold of me by using your phone. They called me and told me to attend the next concert and their plan to get you to go. It was supposed to be a surprise, so were you shocked?"

"Of course, but how did they get my phone? Did they call you when I wasn't there?" I questioned

"Probably" She answered

"That means they took my phone. Those bast...!"

"I would like to stay, but I can't. I'll be heading home, but I'll miss you"

She hugged me and I hugged her back. She let go of me and started up walk off. She turned back and waved at me. I waved back. After she left, Harry patted my back and we went back to the bus. We headed for the next concert.

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