The Guy Who Snuck Into A Tour Bus

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I'm back. Now, I have to remember where I was at. Hmm... that's right. I was introducing myself. Okay, back to the story.

Genesis asked what my name was, so I told her. She asked me how I ended up with One Direction and I told her the story. I told her I was a beginning journalist, but I had goals of becoming a famous journalist someday.

"A famous journalist? Don't make me laugh" Genesis said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You're just a mere fanfiction character, you can't do that. You're whole purpose is to a be fan service"

"If I was only supposed to be fanservice, then I would have hooked up with someone by now"

"You don't have to do smut you know. Maybe, a simple kiss or wearing scandalous wear. I'm sure you've at least done one of those things. What makes you think someone like you would become something more, huh? You're just..."

"Hey. Stop harassing her, don't you have some job you're supposed to be doing?" Niall asked Genesis

"Hmm, whatever you say. I'll be going, but don't forget what you are" Genesis told me

Genesis turned to walk off.

"Wow. Thanks for that, Niall" I smiled

"No problem. Anything for a fri... Fan"

"Wait, Genesis!" Zayn yelled

Genesis came back to the bus and went by the door.

"What?" Genesis said in an annoyed tone

"You never answered my question when I asked about Sinclair. Is she alright? Where is she?"

Genesis stood there, looking uncomfortable. Her hands were fidgeting with each other and she couldn't look Zayn in the eye.

"Heaven probably" Genesis mumbled

Zayn reached out and opened the bus door a bit wider. He hugged Genesis. Her eyes widened and she was in shock.

"I'm so sorry" Zayn said

Genesis held onto Zayn for a while, gripping on his shirt. She started to shed tears

"I miss her. She just left this world suddenly" Genesis weeped

Zayn and Genesis stood there and it was silent. Genesis let go and wiped her tears with her arm. She said she had to get back to work. She smiled and waved us goodbye. I could sense that smile was fake, and I bet she had to fake it all the time. We closed the door and left the gas station.

The bus was heading toward another concert. It wasn't too long of a drive. That gas station was closer to our destination than I had thought. We got to the stadium where they were going to perform.

"You coming with?" Louis asked

"Nah, I'll stay here" I answered

The boys left to perform and I sat there and used my phone. The door opened and I thought it was the boys who were coming back because the concert was over. I was surprised when it wasn't. It was another man who I did not recognize. He saw me and also seemed in shock. He stared at each other. He was the first one to speak.

"Oh I see. I bet you had the same plan I did. You snuck into the bus hoping to surprise them when they came in, right?" He guessed

"Actually..." I started to say

"Shh! I think I hear them coming" He interrupted

The boys walked in the bus.

"That concert was great! You should have been there!" Louis told me

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