Ch. 38 The True Masters Part 2

Start from the beginning

Guts Man raised an eyebrow. "Is somethin' wrong?"

Oil Man and Fire Man glanced at each other, and turned back to Guts Man. "Nope. Nope, just...come towards us...slowly..." Fire Man said a little more quietly.


"Guts Man, please, just..." Oil Man assured him, trying not to look too concerned.

Guts Man, however, figured out that something was up. He turned around to see the giant head. The eyes suddenly flashed to life.

"Nuts." Fire Man gulped.

A few moments later, they hurried out of the hallway into a very large open room, Guts Man sprinting ahead with Oil Man and Time Man in his arms, and Fire Man following close behind.

They ducked behind the wall as they entered, the hallway behind them filling up with fire.

"Holy-" Oil Man started, before the narrator cut him off so as to maintain the personal promise he made never to curse in this story.

Time Man shook himself free of Guts Man. "Come on, let's go."

"Huh? You crazy or somethin'?" Guts Man asked.

"I know why we're here. To stop Dr. Wily. I intend to do that, and this is our best chance now. I'm going to keep going, and I suppose if that robot gets in my way, I'm just going to find a way to defeat it."

Fire and Guts looked at each other for a moment. Fire Man nodded and held out an arm into the mini-circle they had formed. "Let's do it, brothers."

Guts Man nodded. "For Mega Man."

Time Man nodded, and he and Guts extended their arms into the circle. Everyone then turned to look at Oil Man. "Yeah, I'ma pass. Don't get me wrong, I wanna help ya, but fire kinda makes me blow up."

Time Man rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Let's just go."

Fire Man stretched himself out a little. "So what's our first move?"

Oil Man shrugged. "I guess ya could try to keep Guts Man from gettin' himself killed."

They turned to look as Guts Man charged from their spot, leaping onto the now fully emerged dragon robot. It turned to spit fire at him, but he had already landed on its head. He began to throw punches into the metal of its face, putting a few small dents in its skull.

"You actually gotta be kiddin' me." Fire Man sighed.


Elec Man jumped to avoid an attack from Mega Man, before firing a Thunder Beam at his opponent. His attack was also dodged, and countered by an up close strike. Elec Man stumbled backward, barely managing to miss the attack. He raised his useful arm to block a punch that came in from the blue bomber, and followed it into a spinning kick to knock his opponent back.

As soon as he finished, he was knocked to the ground by what felt like a speeding car. He was picked up from behind by Quick Man, who threw him across the room. Elec Man got up quickly and fired a Thunder Beam at the red speedster, who dodged easily. Before he could try anything else, Mega Man fired a shot into his chest.

Elec Man struggled to one knee, glaring at Quick Man. The red robot laughed. "You really want to keep fighting? Guess you heroic types can't figure out when you're beaten."

He zipped around him, striking Elec Man in the back. As he flinched backward in pain, Mega Man caught him by his effective arm, and held it behind his back.

Elec Man tried to struggle, but without his other arm, he couldn't do anything. And he refused to use his weapon on Mega Man.

Quick Man walked up to him, holding a boomerang up to his throat yet again. "You lasted longer than most would. Then again, for a robot of your stature, it's probably a little weak."

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