Ch. 38 The True Masters Part 2

Start from the beginning


Cut Man was probably having the most fun of the five of them.

Metal Man was certainly incredibly dangerous, so Cut Man had to deal with his anxiety the best way he knew how.

Really bad jokes.

"Whoa!" He shouted, watching a Metal Blade strike the wall beside his face. "Looks like I CUT that one a little bit close, huh?"

Metal Man's face still remained unmoved. "Shut up."

Cut Man laughed as he threw the Rolling Cutter at his opponent. "What's the matter? Am I grinding your gears?"

Metal Man didn't respond this time, only dodging the incoming attack.

"Nothing, huh? I guess you could say you've got a heart of steel."

Metal Man suddenly grabbed Cut Man by the throat thrusting him up against the wall. His eyes began to glow with red light, and his voice took a sinister growling tone. "Listen to me, you inferior scrap pile. I am a fighter, and I respect the honor of combat. What you do is not truly fighting. You seek to play with your opponent's will as opposed to truly besting them in battle. Though an adamant strategy, know that I will not be overcome by your foolishness, and I will make your suffering all the more painful should you continue."

The red light suddenly disappeared. "Are we cool?"

"Yeah." Cut Man squeaked. "Cool."


Elec Man raised his good arm slightly, sending sparks crackling across the fingertips. "What. Did. You. Do?"

Quick Man strolled casually over to Mega Man, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "Oh, nothing much. Just activated the infiltration program that was lying dormant in Mega Man's systems."

"How is that possible?"

"Relax, sparky." Quick Man frowned. "Mega Man did this himself. Every time he acquired one of our weapons, he also picked up a bit of code. Seemingly useless, until all of the pieces were combined. Mega Man is now completely under our control." He pointed a boomerang at Elec Man. "Not unlike you and your brothers were recently."

Elec Man growled, raising his arm to send a Thunder Beam towards the robot, but Mega Man raised his buster, firing it into Elec Man's chest.

Elec Man fell backward, and took a moment to begin getting up. Quick Man walked over to him, kneeling down before adding, "And by the way, his system is shock proof. You're not gonna be zapping him out of this any time soon."

The red robot stood again, drawing two boomerangs into his hands. "I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this."


Fire Man led the way through the dark hallway, with Time Man directly behind, Oil Man next, and Guts Man coming along in the back.

Oil Man kept hearing something strange from behind him, but he wasn't certain. However, after the sound came again with a little more volume, he spun around. "Guts. You okay?"

The bulky Robot Master straightened up. "Oh yeah. Yeah, I'm just...fine." His eyes darted back and forth.

Oil Man smirked under his scarf. "You're afraid'a the dark, ain'tcha?"

"What?" Guts Man exclaimed. "Nah, that's...bein' afraid of the dark's for wimps."

Fire Man rolled his eyes and walked back towards the two. "Come on, pardner. You can walk up with me if you...want..." As he approached the large robot, the lighting revealed something behind Guts Man. It was a sort of large dragon head, that was almost as big as Guts Man himself.

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