Maybe our relationship was to moving to quickly. Maybe I just had to be honest with him. Maybe we could figure it all out together.

If everything goes as plan then maybe, no definitely, there will be no reason for him to run away from me.


"Hey Law, over here."

"Hi." I chocked slightly before sliddinf into the booth across from Luffy. It was almost like he hasn't been avoiding me for days, same smile and same red hoodie. Out of the blue he texted me back saying to meet me at our spot after work, so here I was. Luffy had already ordered without which was weird, but i guess he didn't plan to stay long. Weird. "Is there a reason in particular as to why you have been avoiding me?"

I watched intensely as Luffy shifted in his seat, clearly something was on his mind. Slowly, my nerves began to prick alive. "I'm gonna ask you a question an you need to answer honestly."

                  "Yeah?" I croaked as my throat shrivel up. There was really no point in lying since Luffy would be able to tell instantly, but it  wasn't like I had anything to hide.

                   Gently, the small man blinked before resting his soft hand on my colder one, warming in slightly. I relaxed at his loving gesture, but my compose dissolved as we made eye contact once again.

                     "How long have you we known each   other?"

                       Easy. That was an easy question. I couldn't believe I began to sweat for this joke. Things were fine between us, and this would prove it. Luffy just wanted some reassurance in our relationship, to make sure time wasn't wasted. "Since highschool, of course. Why are you asking me this?"

                       "We have only known each other for months Law." Those big, welcoming eyes slimmed into cautious squints, causing me to withdraw my hand as my gaze shifted to the curb outside. "We never talked back then, ever. I didn't remember your name even when I met you."

                       Now it was my turn to be skeptical. What was this? Confession hour? Where we hold hands at a candle light diner and pour out our darkest secrets and sins. "Oh, so you just needed someone to go home with?"


                      "Then what?"

                      "Zoro pointed you out, and i did recognize you. You were all alone. I just wanted to talk, get to know you."

                       "Pity, now that's so much better than a booty call."

                        "I didn't call you heat to y'all about me, and don't act like I forced you to do anything."

                        "That's not~" I was cut off by a hand waving in my face. Luffy stood before grabbing his motorcycle helmet from the seat beside him. He was ready to go, and i wasn't in the mood to stop him.

                          I stared at the condensation on the empty glass of water as droplets ran down with gravity. There was nothing for me to say, but I felt like I've said nothing this whole time. "Law, I think you need to give me space. Just until the wedding."

                           "Why?" I whispered, not looking at anything really, all focus was in making sure my voice was level and smooth. To an onlooker this was just a regular conversation, but I could only hide so much emotion from Luffy. This is why my eyes remained downcast.

                              I listened as the short boy rummaged through his wallet to pay for his rather large meal. "Trafalgar this is not a relationship, not from your side."


This was an obsession...

Luffy POV

                          Air suddenly left my body as I felt a feathery grip brush my arm, but my eyes stayed locked on the exit. If I looked at Law now, my courage would leave me. "I'm sorry."

                            Those words we're what I wanted to hear, but not what needed to be said.  Law loved me before I ever introduced myself, and that scared me. Love was something that should be earned, but Law was selective with who he loved. He had to be. Growing up, Law was surrounded by people who wanted his intelligence or looks to flaunt. So he had to pick and choose who he let him off the bat, and then earn their love back.

                            You can't live like that. Love isn't a goal. It's not as easy as making an A on a test. He couldn't just study me, and act like a different person around me compared to others. I've seen his true colors. When he yelled at Lammy, and glared over diner. Trafalgar wasn't the put together, perfect man he let the world see. Those silver eyes were as mysterious as they were broken, and if i didn't force him to see that, no one would. "I know you are."


                   A light peck was placed on my forehead before a titter-tatter of boots followed, but that was all the embrace I needed to realize there would be a next time.

                     The wedding was only in 17 days after all. I would come back better, and this time I'd be irresistibly. Then, and only then, Luffy would have no choice, but to realize he loved me too.

                   After all, he choose to led me back into his life, and I was here to stay. Even if it meant getting ride of people who got in the way. A devious grin tugged at the corner of my lips as a plan evolved in my mind. Nothing and no one would stand in my way, not even those pesky brothers of his.

Harceleur Stalker

AN~well i guess the little red riding hood and the big bad wolf will finally begin their game of chase

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