2. Épuisé

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AN~ I wanted a Lawlu book were law got feelings first, but they weren't typical 'I want that ass' feelings like in other Lawlu books. That is not hate. I'm just stating something I've noticed

"And here is where you will file all the paper work for pediatric patients. Okay?" Dr. Kureha stated as she sharply tapped her pen against the computer top. I only nodded in reply as I scribbled down more notes. "For the first 6 weeks I'm not allowing you to see any patients with me."

My jaw dropped. I was here to learn how to be a doctor not some old hag's secretary. If she wanted one of those she should have gotten a account intern. It didn't take more than 1 brain cell to file papers. "But I~"

"Your going to be babysitting my grandson."

         "Does he not have parents?" I groaned before she sent my a deadly glare, casing me to straighten up. My throat grew tight as her bony fingers wrapped around the door know. I had never been good with kids or people in general. Even without my extreme enzyme, people were never to fond of me.

            The first thing that caught my eyes were the pastel purple walls of Dr. Kureha' office, freshly painted. In the middle was a brown-skinned boy with dark red hair. Never I had seen a boy that looked like him with big eyes a shade or two darker than his skin. "Hello Chopper, this is Trafalgar Law, and he's going to stay with you."

           "Want to play?" He asked in a thick forgiven accent that I'd never heard before. His shy eyes were downcast as he held a bright blue 'Thomas the Train' figure out to which I gladly accepted.

          "Where are you from, um, Chopper?"

          "Senegal." He mumbled before shaking his head and pointing to himself.

           "Well," I looked back to see Dr. Kureha, but she was gone. The door was closed without a single click. "Tony is a nice name. How old are you?"

          He stopped rolling the toy train on the soft carpet, thinking, before looking up at me. By his accent and ethnicity I was starting to realize he didn't know much English. "Um, Cinq."

         I blinked rapidly not understanding until I realized he might not know how old he was in English. Immediately, I pulled out my phone before asking him to say it again into google translate. "Okay you're five, and you speak French?"

          He nodded before going back to his imaginary game on a miniature railroad track. He was a very cute kid, now that I was sitting beside him. He had long eyelashes and a handful of freckles decorating his plump cheeks. The most intriguing part was he tightly linked hair which was freely standing in a Afro. Silently, my hand crept toward the color display.

          "Don't." Tony stated as he ripped his attention from his toys and stared at me dead in my eyes, making me slightly uncomfortable. Confusion was clear as day on his face as I retracted my hand. Maybe I should have asked?

           "Can I touch your hair?"

            He pointed to the back strand randomly laying on my forehead. "You have some."

            Quickly, I pulled back out my clipboard full of notes, writing down everything I've observed about the boy in an attempt to make this job as easy as possible. "Your right. I do."

Red Riding Hoodie (One Piece WA 2017)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz