// augustine //

441 36 22

"baby i need a friend. but i'm a vampire smile, you'll meet a sticky end.

i'm here trying not to bite your neck, but it's beautiful and i'm gonna get

so drunk on you and kill your friends. you'll need me and we can be 

obsessed. And i can touch your hair and taste your skin, the ghosts won't

matter 'cause we'll hide in sin."

-"vampire smile", kyla la grange



She could feel the smoothness of her legs as they brushed against one another as they hung out of the bathtub, dripping water onto her heated tiled bathroom floor. Her fingers tapped away at her phone screen as she checked her several social media sites, curious to see if her name has popped up anywhere. 

Her colorful hair - currently a mixture of a lavender and pastel green - tied up in a knot on the top of her head, the water barely skimming the small baby hairs that managed to escape her messy bun. 

A small pout appears on her bottom lip as she doesn't find a single picture of herself at the party last night. It's as if she wasn't even there at all. Instead, she's come across the same pictures of the same boring girls over and over again. Augustine supposes she could have been the center of attention if she had put on a skimpy bikini too. Though as she puts her phone on the corner of the tub, a tinge of regret tugs at the back of her mind for not bringing her bikini to the party.

Dripping with water, the droplets rolling off her curvy body, creating a puddle on the tiled floor beneath her, she reaches to grab the big fluffy white towel, wrapping it around her body.

Taking a few more steps, she reaches the next step in her daily routine. She scrubs her face clean, getting every last bit of last night's remains out of her pores, finishing off with an expensive facial cream. She bends forward, bringing her face incredibly close to her large bathroom mirror for her daily scrutinization of her facial features.

She grimaces at the amount of freckles overtaking her face. Now that summer's here, there's no use in trying to conceal them beneath makeup. She quickly moves on, knowing she can ruin her entire day staring at them. She studies her small, dainty nose, then on to her high cheekbones - a quality she had inherited from her father - then onto her most distinguishing feature, her rather large blue eyes, a quality that was very much her mother's.

Taking several steps away from the mirror, she pushes her appearance out of her mind, not wanting to dwell on inheritances this early in the morning. So with that, she pulls her hair out of its bun with one swift tug and strides out of the stuffy bathroom. 

But once she enters her large bedroom, her nerves don't get any better. She lets out a small gasp as her eyes land upon the figure lying incredibly nude in her own bed, the daylight casting rays of sunshine down upon him through her large bay window. 

"You're still here?" She mumbles to the messy haired blonde boy who stares up at her from her bed, no shame whatsoever as his bare ass glistens in the sunlight. 

"What, did you expect me to sneak out on you?" He smirks as he stretches out across her bed. 

She simply stands there with her hands folded across her chest. 'I had only hoped' she thinks to herself. She had took an extra long bath solely for the purpose of giving him enough time to get out of here. She hates awkwardly trying to usher the clingy boys out of her house in the morning, as they continue to sprinkle kisses against her collarbones and ponder what's for breakfast. 

Whatever happened to chivalry being dead? 

"No, but I didn't expect you to stay for small talk," She remarks as she digs her toes in her plush carpet as she makes her way over to her large closet, practically her second room. 

She casts a quick glance in his direction just to catch his lips pulling down into a frown. As she turns her back to him, his feelings continue to throb in pain. The boy had spent the last several summer nights with Augustine and was growing quite fond of the girl. He's not quite sure where all of this coldness is coming from. 

She certainly wasn't cold last night. 

Feeling rather uncomfortable and irritated, he moves quickly, shoving himself off of her large California king bed and bending down to scoop up his scattered items of clothing that she so carelessly discarded last night. 

"So, you want to give me a call sometime this week and we can go out again? I had fun at the party last night," He tries again, hoping to catch a glimpse of that same endearing Augustine he got to know last night as they sat snuggling around the bonfire. 

But Augustine's mind has already moved on from his warm embrace at the fire. She's busy avoiding his eyes, pretending to busy herself in her large selection of dresses.

"Mhm," She simply mumbles, letting both herself and the boy know that there is no possibility of that happening, no matter how nice of a time she had last night. 

He's lucky he got a third date. Usually Augustine gets rid of boys after the first date. It must have been her weak spot for boys with motorcycles that allowed the boy to weasel his way into her time and life for longer than she had intended. 

"Bye," She calls out before he can make any more pathetic attempts at defining future plans with her. 

He leaves without another word, much to Augustine's relief. 

 After she hears his loud motorcycle rumble off into the distance, she can breathe freely again. Still clad in simply a towel, she pads out of her room, making her way down the large, marble staircase, snooping around. 

But before she can get much further, she hears laughter coming from the sunroom around the corner, causing her to freeze immediately. Very silently and carefully, Augustine begins to tip toe backwards, retreating back upstairs. 

The last thing she wanted to do right now was listen to a lecture from Stephen, telling her how irresponsible it is to stay out until three in the morning, and that the 'no boy' policy still applies and all that other bullshit. He'll literally say anything to make himself look like the man of the house. My mother loves it when he acts like that. 

Maybe if her mother closes her eyes, she can still pretend her husband is still alive and she's not fucking his boss. Whatever helps her sleep at night.

Augustine marches back upstairs to call her friends to see what the plan was for the evening; exactly what she need to help her sleep at night. 



an: hello! this is my own personal character, augustine! i'm so excited for this book and i hope you all are too.

i figured i'd put a disclaimer out right away, just so you all know. this story is going to contain mature material, including swearing, drugs, sex, violence, etc. if that at all makes you uncomfortable, read at your own discretion!

thanks again you guys!


[ps. my instagram is @moniquescheidler and my 8tracks is @macklemonique and my tumblr is macklemonique.tumblr.com if you wanna give me a follow!]

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