Chapter 1: It Was Supposed To Be Easy

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Noel's POV: (prononced no-elle)

The plan was simple and easy. Get in get and get out.

"So what's the plan El," Scott asked.

"Noah, I need you to track down the Alpha Pack and get us down to Derek's loft safetly. Scott you'll go with Deucalion and try to keep him isolated from Jennifer and his pack, Derek, Lydia and Stiles are going to the loft and distract Kali and the twins, as Alison, Erica and I break into Jennifer's house to find out any information as to where they're keeping our parents," I told them. Before the others could ask what they needed to do I said, "As for everyone else, figure it out, but remember not everyone is needed so don't try and play hero."

"El you're insane if you think I'll let you be a part of this, you're still an eighth grader," he said, killing my mood.

"Scott I'm almost a freshman and I've been around the supernatural as long as you. Besides I'm going with Allison, who is the most badass hunter, and Erica who I know will protect me at all costs. Plus, I can handle my own, I've been training with Chris and Allison. I'm safe. If with all that you still believe that I'm safe, think about this- the Alpha Pack will be busy with you and the others, and Jennifer will be busy with them."

"Come on, I'll look after her Scott," Allison told him, backing me up, which made me smile.

"Yeah and she's right about me protecting her at all costs," Erica said winking at me.

"No! She is not going. Noel, I can't afford to lose you. I want you here with Noah. Please El, don't leave," he told me with his big puppy dog eyes, pleading me to stay.

"Awe, Scotty don't look at me like that. It makes me sad. Since you're so worried I'll stay," I told him, after looking into his eyes and seeing how much he cares.

They all walked out of my house and broke into their groups. Each heading into a different direction.

"Noah why can't he see that I'm trying to help. I mean he already he already has me making the plans, so why won't he let me be apart of them," I half screamed at him.

"Noel it's because he knows monsters are real, and ghosts are real too, and sometimes they win. But when it comes to you he can't let them win." he told me quoting Stephen King.

"Noah, I know he cares about me and he doesn't want me to get hurt, but I cant just sit on the sidelines anymore. I'm going," I told him with a needy look in my eyes. "I mean hell, Stiles gets to be a part of them."

"Stiles is a part of them because Scott knows no matter how hard he tries to keep him away from the fights, Stiles will be there fighting right next to him. It's almost as if his mind truly believes that even when Stiles isn't there physically, he's there."

Noah really doesn't when to be and when not to be smart. I can't blame him for not being able to turn it off. I mean I'm smart, but Noah is most definitely smarter than Lydia. And that's saying something considering she's a genius. He makes me smarter too. He is always on my case about school. I like it though, he helps me with my homework and I don't understand why Stiles has bad grades I mean he literally has a walking google at home. That's how I survive the horrid place. Noah is the brain and I make the people that try to break him cry, with words or worse my fist. Noah doesn't like seeing me fight, but every school fight, physical or not, he's there. Noah is very socially awkward, if you couldn't tell. the only he's not is when he's with family, me, Scott, and the pack. We may not be blood related, but both the Stilinski brothers and the McCall siblings are their own family.

"Well it doesn't matter what he says, I'm going. Which is why while you were setting up, I texted Erica and told her to turn back around and come get me. I'm going to be a part of this plan and you're going to guide us through the house the entire time. Give me the ear pieces, Erica should be here any minute now."

"Are you sure you wanna do this?"

"Yes Noah, without a doubt. I'm ready, always have been. Hey, I guess I really am Scott's sibling."

As I finish my sentence I get a text from Erica saying that she and Allison are outside waiting on me.

"I gotta go they're outside," I say grabbing the ear pieces from him. "Don't give me that look, you know me, I'll be careful."

"It's just, you know that I worry. I mean she already has my dad I can't let her get you too."

"I know that and I'll be fine, besides you'll be in my ear the entire time to warn me about any threats."

As I walk out of my house I see Erica's car and her standing much like Derek, leaning on the hood of the car with her arms folded.

"Sup, short stuff. You ready?"

"Always. And here you go," I hand her the ear pieces and get in the car, as well as Erica. "Noah just wants to make I'm safe, WE'RE safe. Can we go now, I can feel his eyes watching me from the window?"

"I think it's sweet how Noah looks out for you," Allison said from the passenger seat. "You guys are basically twins, watching out for each other and all."

"Yeah yeah let's go," I say looking up to my window and waving bye to Noah as we drive off.

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