Letting out the truth

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Evie's POV
Friday 3:30
I-i can't control myself its like an addiction to harming myself just the other day i burned my hand on purpose.
Today was worse though,I planned to cut much more deeper but then..
Mal,ben,and carlos walked in to evie cutting
Evie,carlos,ben,and mal fought eachother for the razor blade
M:give it to me
Jay walked into all four on the ground reaching for the blade
J:Guys whats going on,guys?
All four stare up as mal picks the razor up
J:look i learned this from Fairy godmother,I think we need to sit down and let out the truth
Jay pulls out a chair for evie and carlos
E:fine ill tell you
They all listen
E:for the past 6 months ive been cutting uncontrollably...
they all gasp
Jay pulls evie into a hug
M:Ok,evie im sorry ive been blowing you off its just i never knew you were suffering
C,B:me too
Evie pulls everyone into a group hug
Evie starts showing everyone her scars
E:and one more thing,..Ive been starving myself and purging
They all pull evie into a hug
And so it was settled,they took evie to weekly check ups and took turns taking her but jay took her most of the time

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