Chapter Ten: A Little Freedom

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I woke up in bed alone, my father walked in as I got dressed in my royal garments. He helped me into them and I watched him quietly "You are a king, father. Act like one." I said as I left the room, he walked out as my cuffs were put onto me. "Take me to the dungeon, I must see the others." I said "We were told to take you to the King." They said "I don't care, take me to the dungeon." I said and walked toward the dungeon even with their protests, I saw Leo and Gwen "Leo! Gwen!" I said and they looked at me, Leo ran to the bars, holding my hand through the bar. I noticed bruises and cuts on all of them "What happened?" I asked softly "We're fine, Gemma." He said softly and the guard pulled me from them, my eyes widened in horror. "They've beaten all of You! Why?!" I yelled as I was taken out of the dungeon, tears fell down my face as i saw the last glimpse of Leo's face and his eyes. Anger was the only thing I felt at that moment, Cross walked down the hall.

"Please, princess Gemma, we must go to the throne room now!" The guard said and I shoved him off me, anger was boiling still. Cross met my eyes as he saw the guards grab onto me "Stop! I'll take her to the throne room, you two have done enough as it is." Cross said annoyed, he took my arm gently as we walked toward the throne room. "Gather yourself, Gemma, please." He said as he wiped away the tears staining my face, I grabbed his hands "I want my comrades to live." I said and I walked inside beside him, Cason sat with my father beside him "Have you decided my snow bunny?" He asked with a grin "I'd rather die." I said and he sighed, he stood up then walked up to me. He grabbed my hair and pulled me close to him "You're being difficult!" He yelled and I stared at him in silence, he grabbed my face "Speak! You've had a lot of things to say before!" He yelled as I kept quiet, he yelled out in aggravation and slapped me, I fell to the floor. I looked at him in silence as he glared at me.

"Nora! Oh God! Nora please come back!" Cason yelled out as my family walked into the room where Cason and his wife were. Nora was dead after a deadly illness took her, she was Lunar's mother. I walked up to Cason and touched his shoulder "It's alright, uncle Cason, she isn't sick anymore." I said softly and I saw the tears falling down his face as he held Nora's hand. I was five at the time and that was the last time I saw him so sorrowful. "Nora.." I muttered to myself "What did you say?!" He asked turning around "Isn't her anniversary today? Nora's anniversary." I said and his eyes widened in shock "How do you remember Nora?!" He asked in anger "I remember that was the last time you were happy." I said as I stood up "No one could make you happy, even if you still had Cross's mother at your disposal. You weren't even married to her when she was pregnant." I said and he looked away from me "Take her away and ready her for her execution, she will be displayed in the middle of town." He said and Cross took me out of the room.

"Please take me to the others." I said softly and we went to the dungeon, I walked into the cell room to find them with more wounds than before. "Gemma?" Lucas asked as tears fell down his face "Lucas..." I said softly and I saw Vlad, he had three large cuts across his face. His eyes widened when he saw tears falling down my face, He walked to me quickly "Stop crying, Gemma. You must stop." He said as tears fell down harder "I've hurt all of you, I don't know if I will be able to let Leo see Layla or Adelaide again." I said choking on my words. Leo's eyes widened at my words and he touched my hand "You have to live and we will go see them together." He said and I stared at them all, they all believed in me. I wiped away my tears, I have to be strong for all of them and they must be strong for me. I smiled slightly "I would like that very much, Leo." I said and he smiled, Cross looked at me "We have to go now, Gem." He said and I nodded slightly, we walked out.

I wore the outfit I wore to the parade and braided my hair, I walked out of the room to see Cross with guards, Cross had a pained expression on his face as we walked to my execution. I saw the others being taken to the place, and I saw Cason with my father. We walked out to the execution point, people of town had gathered and my friends sat in the front, along with the Helios family. I was shoved down to where the executioner would cut off my head "Final words?" Cason asked "I had dreams, dreams for a family that I never knew of, I dreamt of such a love that I couldn't count how many times. Nora can see what you've become now, Cason and she doesn't see the man she loved. She wouldn't wish to be the thing that caused your anger to take over your love for our species. I see you for what you are, Cason Helios, you are a murderer. You've corrupted our world and filled it with so much hatred, that I couldn't even change. My heart breaks for you and your children because of what you've become and I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry me nor my family couldn't  help you during the time you lost Nora, we wanted too, but you refused us." I said softly and Cason grew angry, my eyes widened in shock to see Nora with her hand on his shoudler "Nora." I said softly, she seemed so saddened by his actions "I'm so sorry, Cason." She whispered and she looked at me "Please, Princess Gemma, save him from the hole he has dug himself into." She pleaded with me, she walked to me and placed a hand against my forehead "Please have mercy on him, for me." She whispered and I nodded slightly, she started toward her husband again and this time, I made her visible to him. Cason stood up as she walked toward him, his eyes wide in shock and misery. As she closed in on him, my powers couldn't hold and she vanished in front of him. I saw her hug him and she walked back to her place beside him, Cason narrowed his gaze on me "Execute." He said.

Gemma and The Thirteen: Memories (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें