Chapter Five: Red

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"My mother lied to me, my family was murdered, I think." I said "What do you mean?" Miss. Shiba inquired "I remembered my adoptive mother having to run with me and someone in her arms as my mother distracted a large man, but the thing is.... His eyes were blood red... They were like fire, he was terrifying." I said as I looked at Leo, he watched me quietly. "Gemma, you and your mother's appearance was odd. You had no memories of your family and Demire was always so secretive." Miss. Shiba said and I looked down "She was carrying someone else while we escaped, I never looked at them." I said "Someone else was with you?" She asked and I nodded "I remember so vividly of the hood on my head, it hid my hair and who I was." I said and Miss. Shiba took my hand "Take your time with this dear, I don't know why you are starting to remember this now but don't stress yourself out." She said and I nodded slightly "I'll try." I said softly "Listen, the order has a base, it holds everything you need, I will give the coordinates." Miss. Shiba said.

She wrote it out on a map and gave it to us "Miss. Shiba, thank you." I said softly as we all left, vlad sat in the back as we drove to the base Miss. Shiba told us of. "I wonder why they are so hellbent to get you, Gemma." Vlad said "I would like to know why too." I said "Maybe you're a space princess or something?" Vlad said laughing, I laughed with him. "I just want to avenge my mother and everyone else harmed by that witch." I said and Leo pulled to a stop "We're here." He said and it was a large rock, it was as big as a building. We walked up to it and I touched the rock, it lit up and a door opened. We grabbed our things and headed inside, it was a high-tech place. The base seemed so otherworldly and it was amazing, we put our things down and we looked around. I found a ton of training rooms and something glowed, it was a black bracelet. I picked it up and put it on, it suddenly became a sword, my eyes widened in shock and absolute amazement, I grinned.

We sat around in the living room "Gemma, they really want you. I don't know why, but maybe there is something about your past. Maybe the reason you don't remember is because someone didn't want you too." Vlad said "I don't know if I want to remember my past, but maybe it will help me understand, but the first person to the block is the witch then the murderer who killed my real parents." I said softly "I'm sorry Gemma." He said taking my hand in his, vlad was handsome but not my type. I got up and looked at the ground "I don't understand why this is happening now, we've always been kind to anyone we met. My mother dreamt of my future with hope, imagine how useless those dreams are now." I said as sarcasm dripped through my words "Gemma, the witch is going to call upon two more of her people. They're the sons of the leader." Vlad said and I looked at him in shock "We need to find everyone, if she did that alone to our town. Imagine how much damage could happen with three." I said and we soon walked into the strategy room.

My crystal glowed in spots and I marked them down, then we decided to go alone to find them. We found motorbikes in the garage and we all left, I headed toward the town of Maplebay. I entered the burnt town, I followed the crystal and found myself in an untouched graveyard, I walked down the aisles till I found myself at one grave. "Lucas Basen, age fifteen." I said and I saw a boy, he was close to the grave and my eyes widened. One of the order was dead and I found a shovel, I dug up his coffin then pressed my hands on his chest "I'm so sorry for digging up your grave." I said as I used my power to revive him, I opened my eyes to see him gasp for air. He sat up and looked at me "Who are you? Where are my parents?" He asked "I'm so sorry, Lucas." I said softly, we both walked to the car after I introduced myself to him, he looked the rubble of the town he once knew "If I knew what happened, I would tell you, but I have a good idea for the one responsible."

"Who did this?" Lucas asked and I heard the anger in his voice "We call her the witch, she killed my mother and my friend's parents as well. The witch murdered many people with no remorse and we need you. The only way to take her down is to have all thirteen of the order together." I said and he nodded, we drove back to the base and found ourselves the first people back. "Where is everyone?" He asked "They're gathering some of the others, we decided to split up so we could get more at once." I said and he nodded, I decided to show him around the base. He was a curious kid and he seemed goofy, but behind his young age, he was wiser than anyone I had ever met. "You're worried about him, aren't you?" He asked "Who?" I asked "Leo, you worry about him, even without knowing you are." He said "How did you?" I asked "I am able to read minds and I am able to astral project." Lucas said and I heard the front door open "It's Leo and he has big news to share with you." Lucas said as we walked to the front door and I froze.

Gemma and The Thirteen: Memories (Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin