Chapter Six: Red, continued through Vlad.

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I couldn't figure out why the witch wanted her hands on Gemma. I don't understand why Gemma is important enough to kill for, but I have a bad feeling if she were to get her, Gemma would be executed. After the seal on all our powers was broken, her black hair was suddenly as white as snow, when she came up to me and grabbed me. She was overwhelming, she had a dominant presence to her at that moment and for a minute, I feared her. I pulled up into the driveway of the Saint Mary's boys home and walked inside, a boy here was apart of the order. I walked inside the home and saw teenagers running around while I looked for a guide or a person who ran the place. A woman greeted me, she seemed to be in her late thirties while graying brown hair. "May I help you?" She asked and I nodded "I need to find a Seth Sacramento." I said and her eyes widened "Seth has been a good kid, he hasn't stolen anything of yours has he?" She asked in panic "No, I'm an old friend." I said and she nodded at me.

She showed me to his room and I walked into it, she left. Seth sat on his window sill and watched the sky "So, you're Seth." I said and he looked at me "You've come to get me then?" He asked and I nodded "Pack your things." I said and he looked at me "Where are you taking me?" He asked then I explained everything to him "You are apart of the order, so we are going to the base and we will be introducing you to the rest." I said "I'm confused." He said "What is confusing?" I asked "How do you know I am apart of this order?" He asked "Your powers, they are strength and stealth." I said and his eyes widened slightly as we walked out of the home to the motorbike. "How are the others?" He asked softly "There's Leo, he's a good man and then there is Gemma, she is the witch's target and the leader of us. Her past is shrouded in shadows." I said as we drove toward the base "Why is there shadows?" He asked "No one knows where she came from or what she is." I said as I drove.

We arrived at the base and found ourselves to be the last, I met Lucas, but then I saw something completely unreal "Gemma, you have a twin?" I asked in shock as I stared at the girl that looked like Gemma "I believe she is, her name is Gwen Stallion." Gemma said and I noticed something different "Your hair has gotten longer." I said as I looked at her shoulder length hair, she looked at her hair "I guess it is longer." She said "This is Seth, he is powerful in strength and stealth." I said and she smiled at him then left to be by herself. After a while of hanging out with Gwen, I determined that Gemma and her were complete opposites. Gwen was loud and rowdy while Gemma did anything to not get people angry at her. I walked into the training room where Gemma was, she seemed natural at fighting "Gemma, I guess you had more family then you thought." I said "I knew my mother was carrying someone else as we ran, but I never realized it was a sister I knew nothing of." She said and I nodded "It must all be a lot."

"There's nothing I can do about any of this except move on and don't dwell on it." She said softly "I'm actually glad you have a sister, Gemma." I said and she looked at me in confusion "Why?" She asked "You're going to need someone there for you when everything is over." I said and she walked toward me "We don't know yet, Vlad." She said "I just want you to have someone with you after." I said "We don't know if we all are going to make it to the end, I don't know if I will live through this, but I will do my best to save all of you if I have to sacrifice myself for you all." She said and my eyes widened "We will do this together, Gemma. That witch won't get her hands on you." I said and she smiled up at me, a sorrowful smile "That is a nice thought, Vlad." She said and looked away "We have to all live." I said "This is a war, Vlad. People die because of this, if the witch tries to harm any of you I will give myself up to save you all." Gemma said.

"We will need you, Gemma. You're our leader." I said and she smiled at me "As a leader, I will do what it takes to save everyone before myself, a leader must be able to die for their comrades." She said and she seemed sad at the thought "I see so many possibilities in our fate, Gemma. When it comes for someone almost dying, all of us protect each other." I said and she looked at me "Our possibilities?" She asked "Yes, we have so many possibilities, we could change what we do and it changes everything in that future." I said softly "Isn't that maddening? Being able to see the endless possibilities, but not knowing which road we end up taking." She said and I nodded "Yes, to some extent. In all of the futures, you are a powerful commander and a threat to that witch's empire. You will cause an uproar." I said and her eyes widened "I hope I'm able to be such a great leader, I just want them to stop hurting innocent people. The murder needs to stop, or I will die trying to stop it." She said and I smiled "I know." I said.

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