Chapter 3

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I woke up and found myself in the same position I was in this morning. I made myself some coffee and got a muffin from the container my mom bought yesterday. I thought for awhile as I heard creeks from the stairs which meant my mom must be up. Slumber must've still been into her like a entity from an exorcism.

"Morning Annabelle" she rubbed her eyes. She walked down the last three steps ever so delicately like she was afraid it will break under her small feet.

"Good morning" I cut my muffin in half and left one for me and the other to my mom. She smiled at me but I could tell that something was wrong. The silence was like a knife. I got up and grabbed a towel to take a shower to get ready to go to class.

"Are you going to class today?" She took a small bite of the muffin and put it down to face me. I nod and walk up the steps to my room. I grab some clothes and walk to the bathroom. I stand naked in front of the mirror looking at all my imperfections...again. I turn the water on really hot and watch the steam rise. I let the hot water wash away the stress and assuage my body. 

Eventually I got out and had a few minutes to spare as I went to class. I sat down in a seat in the back like I usually do. Not many people were there which didn't surprise me at all. It felt like the class was going to be boring as always. Suddenly the air grew thin I looked around and the I saw a red beanie with blond hair poking out the sides. Dakota, I told myself. I couldn't help the happiness that was bubbling inside me. At eleven-thirty the class began and everyone hurried to find a seat at one of the tables. Dakota looked around his eyes met mine and he sat at a table behind me.

"Good afternoon everyone, its nice to see you all" Our teacher Dr.Martin Evans was a friendly guy. He's a local writer and a pastor also. He ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair and gave us a small smile. "Today is nothing special but all us writers are going to go around talk about what they're working on and we can all give advice" I immediately grew nervous. I didn't want Dakota to know what I was writing then again I was curious about his writing if he had any.

The first few people had interesting concepts one was a world where no light ever showed and only every 200 years the sun will shine. Although most were quite depressing I appreciate good writing. Next thing I knew Dakota was next. He looked confident and stood up from his chair. He cleared his throat and began.

"Well I've been writing about a girl. She's quiet but outgoing and she's beautiful in every way possible I don't think she sees it. She doesn't know it yet but this really stupid guy that has been watching her for awhile, and really likes her and doesn't know how to tell her. He knows he'll mess it all up and not get the girl but he'd rather get his heart broken by her than to miss a chance of a lifetime." He then sat down and I could feel heat rise to my cheeks. I looked at him and quickly looked away before I made anything worse for myself. 

"Great story line" Dr. Martin says. His eyes then meet mine and I know that I'm next. I nervously cough a bit and adjust my shirt. I can feel heat move into my cheeks and ears as I open my mouth.

"I haven't started writing much but I will soon" Liar I tell myself and I sit back down and try to collect myself from the embarrassment that might've caused me.

The class finally ended and everyone got up and pushed their chairs in. I grabbed my bag and pushed my chair in to leave. I found my car keys and walked to the door. I then felt a hand on my arm that stopped me and I turned around. His smile made me melt on the inside, and all the girliness that was inside me bubbled up and I felt like I was gonna explode.

"Can I talk to you?" his seafoam green eyes looked at me sweetly and I nodded in response.

The community center had a courtyard in the middle with a garden, a fountain and some benches. We sat at a bench next to the fountain. I sat down and adjusted my shirt because you could see my stomach. The birds were softly singing, the whole scene felt like it was from a movie.

He sat down next to me but not to close, just close enough for me to smell his Cologne. It had a earthy scent that made the outdoors more appealing. I looked at his profile. I knew it was rude to stare but I just couldn't help it. Eventually he looked at me and I could feel myself blush.

I turned away and when I looked back he was still staring at me.

"Um so what do you wanna talk about?" I cleared my throat to break the awkward silence.

"Oh um I just wanted to get to know you, I've noticed you around the library and such " he jumped as he answered me like I broke him out of a trance.

"What do you want to know?" I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Everything or at least enough to say I know you" I gave a slight laugh and sighed.

"Okay then, My name is Annabelle Nicole Chester. I am 16.5 years old and I'm nothing but another earthling trying to live in this fucked up world" A smile spread on his face and I couldn't hide the fact that I was smiling too.

"Well its nice to meet you Annabelle Nicole Chester. My name Is Dakota Winter and I must agree on your concept." His smile was contagious and I thought my heart was going to pound right out of my chest.

We sat and talk for what felt like forever, within a few hours. It seemed like he was interested in everything I had to say even though I didn't say much he must've known what I meant.

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