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For all those times you got my back!

Age- 12 Y/O

It was First day of school after holidays. And Liam obviously joined my school. He was still a new citizen around.

Somehow i felt he will fill the void of Louis for me. Somewhere i realized He was destined to be here when louis left.

I got a call from Louis on that morning wishing me luck and teaching me some moves to kick those stupid kid's asses. I was happy that louis still kept me in his mind. He was always a special friend. A special best friend.

I got ready quickly and packed my bag. I wasn't so excited for school. But some kind of streak of exhilaration sparked inside me at the thought of having my first friend after louis, with me in school.

I was about to shut my door and My Mum called out for me.

"Honey, You ready?" She was serving breakfast for me. The warm smell of croissants and coffee traveling through kitchen made my stomach go crazy.

I practically ran down stairs and tripped on the last one as I saw my favorite chocolate brown eyes staring at me. "Slow down."

"Hey Li. Y-You're ready." I exclaimed sounding a lil overwhelmed by seeing him at my place in the very morning.

"Yes. I am excited." He grinned as i made my way towards him. He looked gorgeous in Dark Blue Jeans and Simple White and blue striped tee. His curly hair dropping down from his forehead.

"Ah finally here. Just have breakfast quickly. Liam's been waiting for you since last 20 minutes." Mum called for me again as She could see me talking to liam from the kitchen. Liam flashed a smile at me and gesturing to go finish my breakfast so we could leave.

"I'm sorry for making you wait. I didn't know you were so punctual about timings." I shrugged. He chuckled in response.

"Wanna grab some croissant with me?" i asked looking up at him with hopeful eyes. He shook his head in NO.

"I finished my breakfast earlier. I'm not hungry." He said sweetly. God how can someone be so sweet?

I nodded with a smile and left to have my breakfast while liam waited in the living room for me. We still had around 30 minutes for our first class. So i wasn't really rushing.

"My favorite is English. I love the subject. And Art Class too." I told him as we cycled our way to the school. He wasn't too fond of cycling. But he agreed cause i requested.

"My favorite is Physics. I like that one the most. And Maths too." He shrugged at last.

"Were you always interested in physics?" i scrunched my face at mention of that subject. I never liked it much.

"I always was. Since the beginning i wanted to do all the experiments written in our text books. You know the electrical mortar one? And The switch one? We can't do it until high school." He pouted. His pink plump lips looked so soft when he did that.

"You wanna be electrician?" I asked raising my brow at him and quickly turned my attention to the road. We had to take right turn down the street. it takes 13 minutes bike ride to reach to our school.

"No silly." he chuckled. "Liking electrical experiments doesn't mean i wanna be electrician. I don't really know what i wanna be exactly. Will sort it out some day in future."

"Yeah right. Me too. Will sort it out together yeah?" I looked at him and he was still concentrating on road.

"Yeah. Promise." He smiled without even looking at me.

"This is Dean's cabin. Go grab your schedule." i pushed him inside and waited for him outside the cabin.

Secretly praying his all classes should be with me.

"I've Got English, Maths and Art class with you for today." He grinned showcasing his white shining teeth. I looked up at schedule once again hoping for all other classes should be with me. But no. I had to go chemistry and P.E. Alone.

"Yeah but rest of two." I groaned.

"No worries. Ill be seeing you in between the timing of each class." He promised.

"So the first one we have here is english. Together." I smiled at the idea of first class with him. That too in my favorite subject.

We walked to the lockers and set back other subject books and got ready for the first class. Still five minutes left. I was normally talking with liam about everything and anything.

There one familiar guy came to me, pushing me back on the lockers making thud and screeching sound. I had grown used to his hands wrapped around my throat. He always had same expressions on his face whenever he saw me. Disgust.

"Heard Your Lil savior left you alone in the hell?" He smirked pressing me back. My throat hurt hell much. He'd laid his other hand on my waist ready to punch in my stomach.

"Le-leaa-ave me." I choked on my words as his grip around my throat tightened. I was terrified.

"Not so easily. You and Your Brat friend had enough of me." He took sharp intake of breath. His other two friends stayed behind him watching the scene. Soon whole corridor was crowding up.

"Now pay for this." Words left his mouth and i could see his balled fist coming right at my face in speed of blinking an eye.

Zayn you dead.

I couldn't feel a thing. No pain. No grab on my neck. Nothing. My eyes were squeezed shut. Then i heard squealing sound. And a body threw across the ground.

I opened my eyes to meet with the brown ones which were burning in the anger. He looked away from me and concentrate on kicking Jake. I could see Anger radiating off Liam's body. His rapid punches thrown at Jake's face were all.

I collected myself and walked over to the scene. I saw Jake wincing in pain.

"He's not alone okay? And Dare you ever touch him again like that." liam screaming at him while punching at his little face.

I crouched down and pulled liam off of him.

"Hey its okay. You'd kill him if you keep punching. And we both can get expelled on first day." I said as Liam tried to slow down his breathing. He felt really warm against my cold skin.

"It's not okay. How could he?" He looked at jake with disgusting glare before kicking his thigh one last time.

"Let's go. liam. Lets go." I grabbed him by his arms and dragged him out of there. The whole crowd dismissed and no one really dared to complain Dean.

"Zayn. You okay? Did he hurt you?" Liam stopped on the tracks and examined my face and neck, trailing his fingers on my skin.

"I'm totally fine. And I'm used to this. Don't get yourself in trouble for me." I told him and he glared at me. "What?"

"You don't have to get used to this. You got me and you have your own self enough to fight back. We both can work it out together like you did with louis remember?" He said and set my hair back to the original style. The pushing against locker thing got my hair stuck. He ruffled it a little and set it back.

"Yes. We will. " I replied with a smile and be rang indicating that our first class is about to start. Liam and I looked at each other with shock face and suddenly had a run to our class for not getting late.

The day went perfect having him by my side. He came to check on me when he got free time between different lectures. And we had fun in lunch time and our classes together.

In essence, I got someone who accepted me as i was. Who stood by me for who i was. Who never commented on my religion or called me terrorist.

I got a real bestfriend i was searching for.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 05, 2018 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

19 Reasons why i love you › ziam ficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon