Reason 02

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For letting me know my worth.

Age- 12 Y/O

After Liam and I became friends, we started to know each other a little bit deeper than the last time. I told mum that i made new friend. And her reaction was surprising.

"Oh lord really. You made a friend honey. I'm glad baby." Mum ruffled my hair as i sat myself on kitchen island. I grinned wider.

"He's.. My first friend mum. Apart from Louis." I stated and my eyes welled up at mention of Louis.

Louis was my only friend around. Yes i go to school and i am surrounded by people. But they all throw me away by calling me terrorist. How am i suppose to be terrorist at very young age? Are all the Muslims who lives in UK called terrorist? Are they all treated same as Me?

I wasn't scared cat but being alone was different story. I used to be strong one when louis was around. We both fought alot for me. He was my best mate. But he had to leave me alone in the hell called school.

Louis' Dad got transferred in Doncaster. So he had to leave Bradford. I miss him. I really do. I had cried for 1 month constantly after he left.

Everyone in school got the idea of me being alone. They threatened me alot of times. i still stand for myself. But not as strong as i was with louis.

And now. After 2 years I got new friend.
Liam james payne.

"Do you still miss louis?" Mum asked as i zoned out for a little while.

I nodded in yes and looked away.

"Don't worry sunshine. This new guy will never make you feel that terrible again." She console me and got back to her work. and a smile crept back on my lips. Knowing how this new guy has this effect on me.

"you should call him over some day. You both can play here." Mum suggested and turned back to Oven for switching it off. "And ask him to stay for dinner or lunch. Whenever you call. it will be nice to have your friends over." She shot me smile.

I got that. I should call liam over. I ran back to the door as fast as i could. I could hear my mum yelling me to go slow. But i don't know from where i get this strange energy after hearing his name.

I stood outside Liam's house waiting for someone to open the door. A middle aged lady opened it up giving a heartwarming smile. "Is liam home?"

"Yes honey. are you zayn?" She asked and i nodded immediately. She welcomed me in as she walked first and called out for liam. I waited impatiently for liam to show up.

He ran down the stairs immediately. His eyes glistened and wide grin took over his face as his gaze meets mine. I smiled sheepishly at him.

"H..Hey zayn." He huffed after jogging up from the long trail of stairs.

"Hey Li. I just.. Uh.. Came to ask you something." I spoke as my gaze shifts between his mum and liam. He nodded in a way to give me the permission to ask.

"My mum asked me to invite you over today. I have xbox and a lot of comic books as well. We can play and read too. If you come along." I shyed away and looked into his eyes with hope.

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