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<Gabe's P.O.V>

I don't care about what other books tell about me, but I am not a drunkard and I care about Percy and love Sally a lot.  Going on to the introductions. I'm Gabriel Ugliano Kane (brother of Julius and Amos). I am an Egyptian magician and I am in the 21st Nome in Brooklyn. I live with my wife Sally Jackson who a magician but does not know about her heritage. And there is Percy, my step son, a son of Poseidon who has the bloodline of the Pharaohs and but does not know about it yet.

Back to the plot. The door bursts open and a familiar figure with raven-black hair and sea green eyes, which swirls like the sea, shouting "I'm back home from the quest...." only to be crushed into a bear hug from Sally, who is relieved to see Percy safe since it was a dangerous quest and he was only 13.

Sorry for not explaining before, Percy found out that he was a half-blood last year and had received his first quest when he was 12. The quest was to find Zeus's lightning bolt which is not an easy feat for someone who had no clue on what was happening. Also, going on a quest without training was considered impossible. But this is Percy we are taking about. He does the unexpected.

And now this was his the second year he was at camp when he called us during the first week to say that he had gone on a self-quest to save the camp. He had us worried for a whole week and then comes home to saying that he is safe and there was no harm done.

"Hey Gabe, long-time no see" he said, and fist bumped me, after which I gave him a hug. "We are having a small party for our boy here Sal for successfully finishing his quest" I announced, and everything was going on well, until dinner.

(A/N: I am lazy to write what happened in the second quest)  

".... we have the Golden fleece at camp, hanging from the pine tree." Percy concluded. He was telling the story of his second quest during dinner when I heard a sudden crash outside.

"Percy? Did you hear that noise?" Sal asked. I immediately went and peeked outside, only to see an army of monsters. "Not good...not good" I muttered as I went towards Sally and Percy.

"Too many monsters lurking outside, it is not safe to be here right now. Sally..." I turned to her and give her a sword from the Duat. "Keep this and try to fend off the monsters that try to attack. I need borrow Percy for a few minutes. And no matter what happens, I will always love you dear." I said, having a felt that this might be the last day I would see her.

"Percy, come here. Your mother can deal with them for a few minutes. There is something important I have to tell you." I said, forcing Percy out of the room.

"Gabe! Why did you drag me here? I want to help you guys in the fight please!" Percy pleaded but I stopped him and sighed before saying "Look son.... The world needs you. If by any chance you die today, the world will end. You are important to the Greek world and another one too, but I won't say what it is now. You will come to know of it when the time comes. But for now escape from here and go to your uncle Julius and him give this letter." I said, pulling out a letter from the drawer. "But..."

"No buts Percy. The letter is a magical one. It tracks down the person it is addressed to, so you will have no problem. Tell him that I approved it. He will understand. This might be the last day you see us but know that we are proud of you. Don't let our sacrifice go in vain and none of this is your fault. Goodbye darling. We always love you... Now go." I said fighting to hold back my tears as I gave him a tight hug which he returned with an equally fierce hug.

After ensuring that Percy left through the fire escape safely, I entered the fight knowing that we had no chance to survive it with the number of monsters swarming around. Sending a small prayer to the gods, joined Sally in they fight. Soon, the monsters had overwhelmed us and set fire to the apartment.

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