Part 13

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Shi stared at the wide horizon in front of him. It been weeks since that incident happen. Every time that he thought about it, he felt a part of him dies inside.

"Shi." A voice then interrupted his thoughts. Turning around, he met his mother's knowing gaze. He let out a small smile.

"You can't let the past hunt you forever," she told him.

"I know," he mumbled, going near her. "But it's difficult not to think about it. I could still feel her warmth slowly fading away. The scent of her blood on her body, her clothes and my hands. The words she said before she..."

He closed his eyes. It still felt too real. Lotus put a comforting arm around him. "Give it time. Speaking of which we need to go."

Shi opened his eyes at that, taking a deep breath. He left his room with his mother.

In the throne room...

People were waiting and when it started they all gasped in awe. Eyes fixed on the figure sauntering forward. It was Yan Da. She was dressed in a simple but elegant wedding dress. She was breathtaking.

Shi felt his heart skipped a beat. A beautiful and loving smile then curved his lips, gently taking Yan Da's hand when she was in front of him.

"You're finally, here." He told her.

She chuckled, intertwining her hand with his. "Did I make you wait that long?"

"Not really but I missed you." He admitted, making her smile wider.

"I missed you too," she told him, stopping in front of Ka Suo. The king grinned, looking at them happily.

He remembered the shock that he felt when his brother came back with an unconscious fire princess in his arms. He remembered his brother's break down. His cries and desperation when they almost lost Yan Da. Luckily, Huang Tuo found a way to save her. It took three days but it was worth it.

"Do you Prince Ying Kong Shi of the Ice Tribe accept Princess Yan Da of the fire tribe as your wife? To love and protect her for all eternity. To be with her in sickness and in health..."

"I do," Shi stated, looking at Yan Da. His eyes glinted with love and happiness.

"And you Princess Yan Da, do you accept Prince Ying Kong Shi as you husband. To love and protect him for all eternity. To be with him in sickness and in health..."

"I do." Yan Da said, returning Shi's gaze.

"You may now seal your vows with a kiss," Ka Suo then stated. As the two did, the people cheered.

Flame smirked. Finally, his daughter found someone. Now, he could pester her about grandchildren.


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