Blood Angels Chpter8

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Chapter 8: Rules that would be broken

'Well, that is a weird dream, you dreamt of Drake?!' he says, looking at me, the green swirls in his eyes seem to swirl quicker than usual, I frown as he says the name.

'Who's that?' I ask.

'Someone I know, he pisses the heck out of me' he gently puts me down and I keep looking around.

'Why?' I ask yet again, he rolls his eyes.

'We knew each other for a long time; he is somewhat like a rival and a brother'

'Oh, can't you explain the dream to me?'

'No, not really, but did you enjoy being drained by me?' he grinned playfully.

I whacked him on his arm and giggle, he fakes hurt and then starts laughing too, wrapping an arm around me, and pointing at a door that leads to some stairs.

'Let me show you where I wanted to bring you' he leads me around, smiling proudly.

'I already know what it is; it can't be open this early!'

'Did you come here before?'


'They didn't tell you about the hidden passageway?' he asked,I shake my head, wondering how could he be able to know a lot of these things, frowning as I keep thinking how even lives in that hotel, and how even earns a living.

'How can you survive here?' I blurt out.

He stands there for a second, and then looks at me, shrugging slightly 'People..?'


'What?! I'm telling the truth, I know people who know people who give me things'

I tilt my head with confusion, why would they even give him?

'Because they're Angels too, silly' he chuckles, I look up at him.

I shake my head and follow him yet again to a dark room, surprisingly; there was a movie just playing and a few people sitting around.

The Golden movie retreat is just like a movie theatre, except it also has the twist of being a café too, it's an odd but good idea. The owner of the place originally planned to have a one on one time with his sweetheart, watching a movie and maybe more, but ended up to be surprised to see she brought along some other friends who are with their couples. Things ended up to be a group of couples watching old movies from the 40's and 50's with classic movie stars.

Bean bag chairs and little coffee tables are set around; it's too dark to see anything else, except for the screen, these couples here right now are probably older than me, I look up at Seth, whispering, 'is this like a date or something?'

He whispers back 'No, it's just a way to repay your kindness to me'

I smile slightly, sitting down on a bean bag, Seth flopping down beside me, again pulling me towards him. I look at him again and whisper 'Pedophile'.

'I'm not! I just like having you close...You're part of me and I'm part of you, now shhh, people will get pissed.' He hushes me and slowly walks towards a vender, taking out some snacks and drinks, coming back.

The movie is called "Annie, get your gun' a favorite of mine, we laugh and watch happily, I notice how we look as much as a couple as the people in front of us, blushing as I turn to look at Seth; eating maltesers and drinking some ice tea, with one arm draped on my shoulders.

Should I be feeling like this?

It feels so fun to be like this...

It feels right...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2010 ⏰

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