"I know, but we can't!"

"Why not?"

"They're still in danger of being ransacked again!"

You quietly groaned. "Why do you have to be right?"

Sonic smirked at you as he ruffled your hair. "All part of being a hero!"

"Well stop being as much of a hero, for once! Sonic, you obviously don't know how these people work! Can't you see they're using the powers of guilt against us?"

Sonic noticed the Chief Gogoba looking at him, so he claimed, "Thanks, but we really gotta-"

"It's okay!" The Gogoba interrupted. "We know how busy you are. Within a few months, this will turn into compost, and we'll be able to grow new food to eat."

Sonic glanced at you, hesitantly replying, "Um, well I guess we could stay for a quick bite." You rolled your eyes with a shrug.

"Wonderful!" The Chief Gogoba cheered before walking off.

Sonic and Tails began to head over to the table when they noticed you didn't follow. Sonic looked back at you and motioned toward the third seat. "No." You replied flatly.

"Oh no, does the food not please you?" A male Gogoba frowned. "I would hate for you to not-"

"Do I look stupid?" You glared. "I'm not falling for your little guilt trap. Try all you want, but you'll never be able to overpower all of the guilt I already carry."

The Gogobas backed off, realizing they wouldn't have any affect on you, and returned their attention to Sonic and Tails. As they watched, you zoned out while looking at the food. You had to admit, you were a little hungry....

As you stared blankly at the food, wondering how good it tasted, you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Sonic's voice. "That was really....delicious. We loved it! Loved, loved, loved it! But we....should probably get going."

He grabbed your hand when he passed by you and pulled you along with him, only for him to come to an abrupt halt. "Of course, of course! Why would you want to stay with us when we made you this incredible meal?" The Chief Gogoba smiled.

"No! We do wanna stay! It's just that-" Tails started, but was cut off by the Chief.

"Wonderful! Allow us to prepare your accommodations."

You glared at Tails. "Are you serious?"

Tails frowned as he frantically shook his hands about. "Well what am I supposed to do?!"

Suddenly, you felt someone lift you into the air. The Gogoba placed you on a huge bed, sandwiched between Tails and Sonic. "Fetch our new friends the finest, softest blankets in the village!" The Chief ordered, to which the Gogobas complied.

"Maybe this won't be so bad!" Tails smiled as he snuggled into the blanket.

"The children in the nursery can huddle together for warmth." The Chief added.

Sonic groaned in annoyance as he pulled the blanket closer to his head. You finally forced yourself to lay down and cover up in the blanket, but you refused to sleep. You were anxious, to say the very least. Sonic, your boyfriend, was right next to you. Tails was on the other side of you, and you didn't want this to be awkward for either of you. Not to mention that those crazy crackheads were most likely watching the three of you from afar.

You stayed up for a whole four hours before Sonic stirred. He noticed it was nighttime and instructed you to tell Tails it was time to sneak out. "Hey." You whispered as you nudged him. "The Gogobas are finally gone! Let's sneak out of here."

Sonic Boom x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now