“Make a wish!” Cheryl tells her and she closes her eyes tight blowing away the orange flames leaving a thin line of smoke lingering in the air.

“Happy birthday!” I kiss her cheek and everyone claps for her and she of course claps excitedly for herself.

“Sall could you take a picture for me?” I ask handing her my phone, I shuffle us both closer to Cheryl and she puts a arm around me leaning into us with the biggest smile on her face.

“Say cheese!” Adam instructs and Paisley manages to mumble ‘cheese through he gritted teeth.

“Thank you” I smile taking my phone back from Sally and looking at the picture. This is officially my favourite, it will now be my screensaver ,lock screen, everything. I hope that we aren’t making ‘us’ too obvious.

“What did you wish for?” Asks Cheryl and Paisley holds her hand. She looks up at me and smiles before doing the same to Cheryl.

“For you to stay forever” And its right about now my heart feels like it’s about to burst and looking at Cheryl I’m thinking that she’s feeling the same. She holds out her arms and Paisley falls from my lap into them. I hear a whole load of “Awws” coming from around us, they still all think that Cheryl’s just a close friend and I’m going to keep it like that for as long as possible. Cheryl’s hand immediately goes to the back of Paisleys head holding her closer, I’m still very much aware of all the eyes on us but to be honest I don’t care.

“I’m going nowhere” I just about hear Cheryl whisper into her ear. I see Nadine holding her hand to her chest and I move my eyes back to my mum.

“Who wants cake?” she shouts bringing the attention off us and all the children start cheering with little hands shooting in the air. “Come on then!”  I look up to see Joan stood smiling from ear to ear as she watches the heart swelling moment in front of her along with the rest of our families. I hear Amy mutter something before she gets up from the table going and walking away taking her friends with her. I don’t know what’s gotten into her lately but it’s best I just ignore it, I thought I had sorted everything out with her.

“What are you?” Paisley asks earning a frown from both me and Cheryl.

“What do you mean what is she?” I ask stroking her hair.

“My Mummy?” She asks in confusion. “Mummy” She points at me then she points at Cheryl “and Mummy?”

I quickly look up to see if anyone is paying us any attention but thank god they aren’t. Nicola is too busy mopping up a drink Sarah spilt while her and her shadow laugh hysterically again receiving the attention from most the people stood around us. Every time there is drink available it always ends like this, I just feel sorry for Nicola. Cheryl is looking at me with wide eyes like she doesn’t quite know how to respond to the sensitive question so I step in for her.

“Do you want her to be?” Without a second thought she eagerly nods her head. “Well I guess she is like your mum isn’t she?”

“But this is your mummy” Cheryl adds patting my knee. “I could be your … mam?”


“But you don’t have to call us that if you don’t want to. Cheryl is fine but in here you know” She puts a hand on Paisley’s chest and Paisley looks down at her hand then back up to give her eye contact.

“I know” Paisley says quietly to herself before giving us both a heart-warming smile and both hugs. “Cake now?”

“Go on then you little monkey” She jumps down from the chair and I watch her as she runs into the house without a single care in the world. Life is so simple to her and I with it could stay like that forever but unfortunately it can’t and won’t, sometime in life we all have to grow up. I turn to Cheryl who looks like she is on the verge of tears and I rub her thigh.

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