Chapter One

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Keith had gotten himself into this situation. It was a bad idea overall, leave the castle by himself, not tell anyone where he was going, fly to an unfamiliar planet, do so with a pod rather than taking the black lion. He didn't leave with any plans in mind, if anything he just felt like it would clear his mind if he went for a short flight. He didn't expect to ultimately be dragged down by the planet's atmosphere.

He knew he was going to crash but he tried everything he could to at least slow down as much as possible, he was going to be pissed if he died on some unknown planet in the middle of nowhere. When he later woke up he would be pleased to know that he did not die, however the impact did knock him unconscious.


When he woke up he wasn't sure where he was, or even how he survived. The purple lights in the room were dim, which was good because his head was killing him. He found his wrists were handcuffed together in front of him which was more than a little worrying. He finally sat up, his whole body aching as he did so, and looked around. The room was barren aside from the "bed" he was laying on, if the hard metal slab attached to the wall could be called that. He found that he had been stripped of his paladin armor, left only in the black under suit. He swung his legs over the side and started to stand up, but as soon as he put any weight on his left leg he immediately collapsed, trying to catch himself with his bound hands.

He managed to not smash his face on to the floor and carefully got back up on the bed. Looking over his arms it seemed as if his armor had protected them from too much damage, the same could not be said for his side however. There was a large tear in the suit, and it looked like someone had done some work to stitch up a gash on his side. It hurt when he breathed too deeply. If not for the fact he was handcuffed he wouldn't have been as worried as he was.

When the door to the cell slid open he jumped to his feet out of instinct, which he instantly regretted as he collapsed, unable to catch himself this time.

"Careful now Paladin." An unfortunately familiar voice said. Keith's whole body went tense, he looked up at the Galra prince, already glaring. The prince approached him and helped him up, letting him sit down again. "I don't know why you continue to glare at me like that, I haven't done anything to harm you."

"Then why am I restrained?" He asked, holding his hands up. "That doesn't exactly put me at ease."

"I may have saved your life but we're still enemies."

"Then... why did you save me?" Keith wouldn't say he was entirely ungrateful, but it did confuse him. Lotor reached up and roughly grabbed his chin, looking him over, tilting his head.

"If I'm being honest with you I don't know myself. You're a hideous thing, and I don't have much use for you now, but maybe I can find one. After all, Voltron needs all five of it's Paladins."

For a moment he considered telling him, no, they didn't need him, Voltron had five Paladins and he wasn't one of them anymore. But if it would get Lotor to eventually let him go, he would let him believe whatever he wanted. They may not need him, but that doesn't mean they would just leave him to die. Right?

He sighed and tried to pull away from him.

"Fine, whatever."

"Whatever?" The prince looked confused, if not slightly irritated.

"Yeah, whatever." Keith shrugged. "They'll come for me, I can wait it out."

"You... you're just going to accept this? I thought you would be the one to put up a serious fight!" Keith shrugged again.

"Sorry to disappoint you." Lotor seemed more than a little frustrated by this.

"Well. I suppose I'll just leave you then." He said. He turned around, exactly like Keith wanted. Like hell he was going to take this without a fight. He may not have been able to fight the way he preferred but any little bit of resistance would do. As soon as the prince had his back to him Keith was on his feet, or, at least managing to stand on his unhurt leg. Lotor hadn't even noticed he stood up until suddenly Keith's arms were around his neck. It was significantly harder to get him off when his wrists were literally locked together, but once he did, Keith found himself tossed over the prince's shoulder as if he weighed nothing. He probably did to Lotor.

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