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"Time to die Ohm!" Delirious yelled at his screen. Him and some of his friends were playing Friday the 13th. A horror game that allows someone to be a psychotic killer named Jason who has to find all the survivors and kill them in gruesome ways. The survivors have to try to find a gas can, a car battery, and car keys to fix up one of the two cars and/or a boat depending on the map. They could also call the cops at one of the cabins and escape through an exit point. Killing Jason could be another way but it can be hard and needs some player cooperation.

At the moment Delirious was playing as Jason, Who everyone thought was a perfect fit. 

"No!!" Ohm, yelled out then continued to jump in and out of windows to hopefully get away. Delirious just swung at him continuously until he finally smacked Ohms character with his giant machete.

Delirious let out his signature insane laugh, "I got you Ohm!"

"Go away, delirious! Bryce help!"

"You're on your own, bud!" Bryce yelled.

Ohms character then takes off into the forest trying to run from Jason only to stop in fear at a dead body lying on the ground. Which was a truly stupid thing that was added to the game, it always got him killed, "No! Why?!" As he was starting to run again, He was grabbed from behind by Jason "HAHA say your goodbyes Wrecker!" he was then snapped in half, what a gruesome way to die.

"Aw man, I was so close," Ohm said unhappily.

"Good try Ohm," He heard Mini say to him.

"Yeah, although that was very entertaining to watch" Cartoonz added on, then let out a small laugh.

"Well I would have made it if Bryce helped me, I know he had a shotgun or something." Ohm stated in fake anger.


They all watched on as Bryce was running towards the police with delirious hot on his trail. His character was majorly injured so they all doubted he would make it, which turned out to be right because he was grabbed then pushed back by Jason's leg getting a machete to the face. "No!" He cried out. "Fuck you, delirious!" We all laughed and yelled out in excitement.

"Delirious, I've got to admit. You're a creepy son of a bitch," Cartoons stated.

Delirious let out a small laugh while saying something along the lines of "Gotta live up to expectations."

"So Evan, did you enjoy your first try?" Bryce asked. They've been trying to get Evan to join but he continuously refused too, but when Delirious asked he surprisingly said yes. we've attempted to teach him how to play a little to no luck.

"I literally died not even one minute into the game. I barely even got to do anything" Vanoss said, letting out a small laugh. He didn't sound at all like he was annoyed or angry, which was to be expected.

"Well, you can try again next game. You guys want to play another round or what?" Bryce asked.

"Let's go again," Cartoonz said. "Also Gorilla said he's free so he's going to play with us."

"Alright," Evan agreed.

They started up the loading screen and sent a game request to Gorilla, then started another match again. Everyone got excited yelling out 'it could be me' or 'You're going down.' Ohm ended up being Jason that round, which was still pretty terrifying.


After playing a couple more rounds Delirious finally called it quits and exited out of the game with a quick goodbye. It was almost midnight according to the clock on his desk, he should really be getting to bed. Jonathan got up out of his seat and walked towards his bedroom and then changed into more comfortable clothing. He laid down in his bed while cuddling his teddy bear he always kept on his pillow. That thing meant the world to him, if he didn't have it he'd have constant nightmares. Which is kind of childish but whatever, no one is going to see it anyway, Except for maybe Luke who he knew since he was younger.


After Delirious left the call, Ryan stayed and played another round with the others. Cartoonz, Mini Ladd and Ryan were having a conversation while trying to fix the car, It started with Ryan asking, "What would it be like if this game actually became real?"

"You really gonna ask that now, Ohm?" Cartoonz said. "I'm trying to concentrate here." He wasn't really doing much really, just guarding Mini while he fixed the car battery.

Mini just ignored him, stating, "We'd be doing exactly what we're doing now, probably"

"Actually, not really. Do you know how to fix a battery?" Ryan questioned.

"Well no, but i'm sure we would still be trying to find a way out or something."

"I guess." Ryan moved his character to the house that was a short distance away. "What if one of our friends or one of us became Jason? What would you do then?"

"I would slap them in the balls and run away." Ryan stopped his character and turned her toward Luke.

"What if they liked your ball slap and wanted more?"

"Then i'd slap them with the knives I find." They All continued to finish what they were doing until they heard the sound that shows Jason is close then Craig's manly scream.

"Don't kill me please Mr. Jason! You can have Ohm, he's in the house!"

"Fuck you Mini!" Ohm yelled out then dived out the window and made a run for the woods, Bryce hot on his trail.

"I'm sorry!" He heard in the distance.

Bryce kept  taunting him for a while until Ohm ran out of stamina and slowed down a bit giving Bryce some time to grab him. He walked him over to a tree and stabbed him with a branch and left him to hang like a Christmas ornament. "Fuck," he said, wishing he had a knife on his character.

He continued to talk to the other dead people until the game was over and he told them he had to go. Then logged off, turning his computer off after.

Ryan pulled his headphones off his head then walked out his door after opening it. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his dog sitting by the door. "Here Buddy," he said to the dog. The dog quickly stood up and jumped on Ryan who almost fell over. "Whoa, careful." Ryan let out a soft laugh and then walks downstairs towards the kitchen, suddenly realizing that he hasn't fed his dog yet. He felt kind of bad because he should have fed him hours ago. Ryan looked at the clock on the stove seeing it was nearly midnight. He looked down at his dog wondering why he was still awake since he's usually in the bedroom waiting for him. The dog wasn't eating anything, he was just looking up at his owner whining a little. This made Ryan confused, Buddy didn't usually act that way. Ryan just shrugged, he's probably just tired or something.

Ryan put the dog food back in the cupboard and started back up the stairs thinking the dog was going to follow him like he usually does. When he doesn't he started to get worried. Ryan being the overly paranoid person he was, decided if Buddy was still like this the next day, he would take him to the vet. With that, he laid down on his bed, after changing of course, and passed out in his really fuzzy blankets.

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