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A/n: To Person who ignored the description. This is not the first book, please read the series in order unless you only love Hoshi because you're an ass.


I finally found your hospital room number, it's just across from mine so hello neighbour!

I forgot that you probably don't know who I am, it's me, that girl you were talking to in the patient's garden. You told me your name, Soonyoung.
I told you mine as well, do you remember it?

You told me to write letters to you since you're stuck in a hospital room and so am I, you're here for a month or two am I right? Meanwhile, I'm probably here forever. I'm a trapped soul.

I just wanted to say, I'm jealous that you can't feel pain.
When you touched my hand when we sat down, it felt like my hand was stabbed 500 times. It's not normal, I know, but when you touched me I strangely liked the feeling. It felt good.

But it's not just physical things that hurt more then it should. It's also my emotions, when I'm happy over little small things I act like I just got married, and when I'm sad...

I feel like death.

My condition/disorder is actually life threatening. If the pain gets too much then I just die, which can happy any moment considering my body touches clothes and the bed but it feels like someone is biting me all over. People told me that beds are so comforting. But I don't agree with them.

What's it like? I guess we both want to know.

Pain }{ K.SY (Hoshi) Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora