The request of Dumbledore...

Start from the beginning

"I will change it then! Let Kinomoto help me prepare my classroom before and during my classes."

"My child, what are you saying?, anyone would say that you are afraid of Miss Matsumoto."

"What?, I.... I'm not afraid of her, why should I be?"

"So... So you tell me you're afraid of women?" He remembered how Dumbledore told him, scanning it with that look of his. "Severus, you have problems relating to women..."



Defeated, Snape rose from his chair, no longer wished to continue remembering the conversation with the old man, but the images of it continued to hit his brain. He remembered how Dumbledore called Matsumoto and she thanked him for this opportunity to feel useful. The woman, after bowing, took him by the hands and with a warm smile, assured him that she would help him as much as possible.

"Some black eyes," he thought. "And that hair, so black and long, and her hands were so soft, not very warm but not as cold as mine, but warm enough to be a pleasant sensation."



The next evening, after Snape had instructed Ms. Matsumoto how to prepare the materials that the students would need each class.

"Would you like a coffee, professor?"

"I heard you were serving coffee to the other teachers in the teacher's lounge."

"I only did it once, it was difficult for me to find in Hogsmeade the necessary ingredients to prepare coffee to my taste profesor."

Snape tasted the aromatic coffee; it was tasty and had something special that he didn't know what it was.

"Did you like it, Professor Snape?"

"It was good," he said laconically. "You know, you don't have to stay during my classes, whatever Director Dumbledore told you Miss Matsumoto..."

"No need for that Miss, Professor Snape."

"But you are already married?"


"Oh, I'm sorry."

Maki shook her head and said it was not necessary to feel sorry for her.

"And you, professor?"

"Me what?"

"I mean, when were you married?"

"Me, I never married."

"Oh, excuse me, but Professor Flitwick gave me a different understanding..."

"He surely implied that I was married to my job," said Snape and took another sip of coffee to rush the conversation.

"Director Dumbledore also told me that you were grieving."

Snape accidentally spit out the coffee.

"Profesor beware!" Maki said to him and wiped his chest with her handkerchief

Snape could tell how the woman gave off a coffee aroma, it was so nice. He hated how women put on too much perfume. In that moment the woman looked up and the eyes of both met, Maki looked at him with a serene and kind expression, Snape begged that she would not listen to his heartbeat...


"What was that!" Snape exclaimed.

"It looks like it comes from the materials pantry profesor."

Both Snape and Maki ran to the site and when they arrived, they saw how all the specimen jars had gathered and formed a kind of giant rabbit. Sakura tried to stop the monster but was unsuccessful.

"Watch out, Maki!" cried Snape and grabbed the woman before she was crushed by the creature before collapsing on the ground and breaking into hundreds of fragments. Sakura took advantage to capture the Jump card at that time.

"Are you okay, are you hurt?"

"I feel fine, what about Sakura?"

"I'll go see, you go back to the classroom."

Sakura was unharmed but before the spectacle of all the samples in jars discarded before her feet, she began to cry.

"I'm sorry professor... All the jars are broken... don't punish me please..."

"Kinomoto," said the man, "it wasn't his fault, so stop crying. Regarding your punishment, this one is lifted. Don't forget not to be distracted in my classes or I will consider making up the punishment and now go to your common room, if Filch surprises you I won't advocate for you."

"Thank you sir," said Sakura and hurried to run to her common room, lest the man change his decision.

The whole scene was chaos; it would take the man all night to fix everything, even with the help of magic.

"Well this can wait, I haven't finished drinking all that aromatic coffee yet..."


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