Chapter 1

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I wake up after all the shouting last night with a headache they just can't see how I think I only want to know who my father is it is not fair on me. I get up and walk downstairs and I see Sawyer, Max and Mum sat on the sofa I go into the kitchen and get some breakfast "Emma what was all that about yesterday? "mum asks "I just want to go and see Marcus and Alfie and Zoe and that lot I miss them" I said lieing threw my teeth "we only saw them last month" Sawyer said "so...what does that matter?" I said "well we have things to do and where busy so we can't go and see them" mum said "thats not fair" I said "lifes not fair" Max said "shut it you little rat" I said "come at me" Max said I was just about to jump at him when Sawyer grabbed me "not a chance" he said he put me down and I sat on the sofa and turned on the tv "mum" I said she looked up from her computer "yes hun?" she asked "can you tell me about dad?" I asked "Sawyer is your dad" she said "no he isn't we dont even have the same last name" i said "I dont want to talk about your dad I will tell you when I am ready" mum said "it's always when your ready to tell me well what if I am ready I want to know about my father Max knows his why can't I know about mine?" I ask "because your not ready ok?" mum says sternly "yes I am" I say "I am not going to discuss this now ok" she says "fine" I grumble

"right I am going to film a video with Shane today" Sawyer said "can I come with you I like spending time with Lisa" I said "ok hunny let me get my things" he said 10 minutes later Sawyer is ready to go we get in his car and we drove to Shane and Lisa's apartment. We pull up and I jump out the car and run up to the door leaving Sawyer behind to get his things. Shane opens the door and sees me "hey Emma where's Sawyer?" he asks "he is getting his things out out the car I am here to see Lisa" I said he put his hand on his heart and looked sad "and I thought you had come to see me" he said in a fake crying voice "I just need to talk to Lisa sorry Shane" I said "it's ok she is in the kitchen you know where to go" he said I walked past him and I saw Lisa "LISAAAAA!" I shout "EMMAAAAA!" she shouts "what are you doing here?" she asks "I wanted to ask you some questions" I said "ok then let's go into the office where it is more private no doubt in my mind Sawyer and Shane will end up shouting" she said laughing. We walked into the office and she shut the door behind us i sat in Shane's chair and she sat in hers "so what's up?" she asked "I was wondering if you could tell me anything about my dad?" I asked "well I have been told not to tell you anything about your dad" she said looking down "so you did know him?" I asked "yeah very well we where best friends him and Shane where like brothers, lovers if you will" Lisa said "who told you not to tell me?" I asked "Emily" she said "my mum told you not to tell me anything?" I said shocked "yes Emma I am so sorry" she said looking down I go out of the chair and walked out of the office and I saw Sawyer and Shane in the living room "Sawyer I want to go home!" I demanded "why we just got here and I still have to film a video with Shane" he said "fine do you still have your Penni board in the back of your car?" I asked "yes you always say to me 'Sawyer I will murder you if you take your Penni board out of the car' so I don't" he said "right I am going to skate home I don't want to be here anymore" I said "I don't know....." Sawyer said "YOU KNOW WHAT SAWYER I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU HAVE TO THINK AT THIS MINIUTE" i shout I run out of the apartment and to his car and I get the Penni board and I skate home I need to have a word with mum....

I get in the front door and I see mum in the living room I slam the front door shut "are you ok sweetie?" she asked "no mum I am not you told Lisa and Shane to not tell me about my dad" I said fuming "because you are not ready to find out about your dad" she said "why?" I asked "because i don't want to upset you" she said that was my breaking point I ran upstairs and slammed my bedroom door it just wasn't fair anymore......


Ok.... so I don't want to tell Emma about her dad is because her real dad is obviously Joey Graceffa and he left when Emma was 6. He was causing trouble between me and Sawyer because he was jealous that we was together when he left he never said goodbye to Emma and when me and Joey where together he never saw her anyway he was always out before she was awake and she always came home when Emma was in bed. When he moved out he didn't tell anyone where he was going. When we go to vidcon I obviously take the kids with me and I know Joey is there so I keep them away from him even though Max isn't his I know why Emma is doing this it is because she feels left out. Me, Max and Sawyer are Hartman's and Emma is a Graceffa and she doesn't find it fair if I was her I would as well. The last time I talked to Joey was a few weeks after he left he rang me. He tried to get custody of Emma and he took me to cort but me and Sawyer won and we kept Emma and if I am quite honest the only reason I don't want to tell Emma about her dad is because I don't want her to leave me if she sees him I know that one day she is is going to have to see him and meet him but she is only 15 Sawyer knows how I feel because we talk about everything. We both tell Emma that Joey left when she was young we don't tell her why because she doesn't need to know yet she doesn't know why he left but I don't want to lie to her because that wouldn't be fair on her and she wouldn't believe me if I told her she also feels left out because she is the eldest and first born and because we have Max as well she feels left out and I do understand why she just needs to understand the situation I am in and why I don't want to tell her.......

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