Please part 30

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Eddie pov

"Guys it's already past curfew it's dumb to go out this late" mike told me and the rest of the group. Unusually, but for a good reason Richie and I on opposite sides of our friendship circle. I say cross crossed, knees touching Beverly and mike. Next to mike was Ben, then Richie, billy, and Stan. "You never know if you like it till you try it" Richie blurts our with a fake laugh. I seemed to be the only one who noticed it was fake. Or maybe the others just didn't care as much. I kept my head down ruffling my clothing awkwardly as I listened in closely to the conversation. "Billy you okay?" Sophia randomly blurts out. I look up at billy who his face seemed normal, and happy as usual. "Y-y-yeah fffine" he stutters then gives a sheepish smile towards her. I saw stanly rub his back, but then I looked towards Richie. We met eye contact and I dropped my eyes immediately. For that half of a second though... I swore I still saw a twinge I'd regret in his eyes... I still saw deep apologies, as if his eyes were now also trying to apologize. "Okay you know what!" Beverly grasped my attention by clapping her hands together. "This is what were are going to do!" She paused, glancing around the room at everyone, from whom is guessing were like me... giving her a complete confused look. "We are going to go in a circle, I'll start... and we will explain what's making us upset or if we're happy, what makes us happy" she finally finishes and everyone seemed... okay with the idea I guess. I saw the worried expression that was planted into riches face. "So I'm very very happy! Even after my father..." she again glanced around the room, but now she was extremely smiling. "My grandma made me cookies yesterday, and they were surly delicious" she left a tone that hinted a end to what she was saying. To clarify she gestured to Stan. Stan awkwardly smiled and did a weird little wave, then rested his rand on top of Billy's. Where then billy traced the lines upon his hand. "It's not bad at all" he scratched his face with his free arm delicately. "I guess I know my soulmate" he says in a whisper, but loud enough for us all to hear. Beverly giggles will the rest of us kinda admire the couple. "Ggggorgie h-has BBeen on m-my mind a l-l-lot" bill stutters out. We all freeze except Beverly, whom gracefully hops up and strides over to billy to give him a warm and frigid hug. "It's okay billy, in 28 years things will be better, and you won't think of him as much!" She told him in a hopeful tone, before letting go and walking back to take her seat. I look at Ben whom seems to be slightly upset at Beverly's movements and gestures to billy. Billy gestures to Richie. Richie pauses looking around the room, anxious I assumed. He looked at me and I awkwardly smiled back. "So I messed up really really bad" he begins, and each one of up involuntarily lean forward. "I've tried to kill myself 3 times which only 1 of you know of. One time I was 5% chance of living and by miracle I survived... right?" He paused, "wrong" he shook his head with regret, and a obvious pained expression on his face. "Afterwards I screwed up badly... four days ago I met this girl-" "ooooo" Beverly interrupted. "NO... she was a mistake, a regret... someone I shouldn't have told that I love..." he hesitated again looking once more around but focusing on me. I realized how sad my face must have been. I got up abruptly and turned towards bens bedroom door and stepped out of it, tears beginning to fall off my face and onto my hands and clothing. "Eddie" I heard richies voice calling from the other side of the door. Quiet... but he was so close... he was there but he wasn't... and it ripped my soul in half... it ripped out my guts, it decapitated me, it hurt me so badly I didn't want to live... how do I move on without him? That's when it struck me... I can't

Hello! Hope you enjoyed... I'm so tired so sorry this wasn't that guud love y'all nighttttttt

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