Slowly, Bane raised his hands up into the air.

"Don't move! Danesko, get Detective Polovatski here, now!"

"Already on it!" The man at the front desk called Danesko clambered for the phone, dialing, cursing himself under his breath, hanging up, and dialing again.

"Turn around. Lie face down on the ground, and put your hands behind your back."

Bane did not comply.

"Get down on the floor, now! Put your hands behind your back!"

Bane stared down at the (they're called police men) police men. He glanced upward to his upraised hands, massive hands, and slowly back down to the police men. "Make me."

"I will shoot you dead if you do not comply, now!"

"No you will not."

"Do it now!" The scream came shrill, echoing through the substation, which otherwise was silent.


The police man cocked his weapon, and Bane smiled. He turned, and knelt down on one knee first, and then another. Pulling his hands behind his head, and interlocking his fingers. "Come and get me."

"Danesko! Polovatski!"

"He's not answering!"

"Curtis! Fuller! Take him!"

"Are you fucking kidding me, Cross?" Curtis took a step toward Cross. "He's almost as tall as I am. He's on his knees. You cuff'em."

"Cover me." Cross held weapon out, and advanced on Bane slowly. "Don't move. Don't fucking breathe. You move, I paint the wall with your fucking Brains."

"Idiot boy." Bane drew in a deep breath, and held it.

Cross held his pistol in one hand, Curtis, and Fuller's guns trained on Bane as they moved to flank his either side. Bane waited until Cross was on him, putting the metal shackle on his wrist when he lashed out, grasping the police man by his uniform shirt. He pulled Cross into the line of fire, and ducked in obedience to the nagging warning of danger in his head; the police men Curtis, and Fuller were already firing by the time Cross was where Bane should have been, filling their comrade full of lead. Bane threw the gasping Cross at the police man called Fuller, knocking him onto his back. He spun around on a knee, and swept Curtis' feet out from underneath him, and the police man landed flat on his back, his head making a satisfying crack on the ceramic tiled floor. Bane leapt over Curtis, grasped his head in one hand, planted his palm on Curtis' chest with the other, and twisted his wrist with a sharp motion which rewarded him with a wet pop, and police man Curtis was gone. Bane marveled at the weapon in Curtis' hand, and pried it from his fingers. He stared at the alien weapon. Bane held it in his hand the way he saw Polovatski hold his, placing the tip of his finger over the trigger. He pointed the weapon at Danesko, who immediately dropped the phone, and put his hands up.

"Hey - hey! Put the weapon down, and let's talk about this..."

"Talk about what?" Bane squeezed the trigger and the shot went wide. He drew the weapon back and stared at it a moment.

"Look guy, backup is on the way. Killing me isn't going to get you out of this."

"Out of what?" He pointed the weapon steadied on Danesko's head. He squeezed the trigger, and Danesko collapsed into his own mess of skull fragments and brain.

Bane stared at the weapon in awe. His once jagged teeth, his once clawed hands, the daggers he kept; nothing compared to the handheld thunder he had now. Nothing in his true form had such power.

Baneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن