How you meet (cast)

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Jaeden: your moms grew up together being friends and now you guys are (sry I'm lazy)

Finn: you were walking the streets of New York ( a/n I know he doesn't live there I just like New York so ya) and there was a sudden commotion (idk) a bunch of people crowding a car so with all the kindness in your heart you ran up there calmly telling the people to step away they did thinking you were a bodyguard or something and you felt a tap on your shoulder you turn around it was the actual actor Finn wolfhard you bundled up your excitement and calmly said "hello I'm y/n I'm not really in charge but I have experience" Finn pleaded you to escort him and you have been friends even sence ( wow your such a bad ass)

Jack: you were building up your modeling career and you had to do a photo shoot with someone you were excited to make a new friend a boy walks in to the shoot the photographer introduces him "y/n this is jack you will be working with him this week"
Then after the photo shoot you guys would hangout together a lot

Wyatt: you where playing Mario cart on your nentendio switch sitting in a park with a picnic basket "hey mind if I join you by the way I'm Wyatt" a curly haired boy says holding up his switch "sure!" You answered and you both became friends

Chosen: you went to go to a party 🎉 and everything thing was normal until the music played it was getting lit so you started to dance and a guy came up to you and started to get up on you you wanted him to get off then here comes chosen the angel to save the day and swoops you away from that guy and askes if you want to dance with him you of course agree and yep that's what happened

Jermey: you were getting some contacts because you lost your other ones ( pretend if you don't have contacts) while your mom was finishing up that stuff there was a boy looking at frames for glasses so you greeted him and helped look for a nice frame while you helped him your moms were talking because they saw that you two got along great

Sophia : you were friends with Millie from the beginning so she invited you Sadie and Sophia over for a sleepover and this was the first time you guys meet you both instantly clicked an had so much fun

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