"Sorry I'm late, Deaton wanted..." Theo cut him self off as he turned to face the living room. There was balloons and streamers everywhere. You couldn't see the ceiling, it was so covered. A table had been set up with finger foods and drinks. The furniture pushed aside to make more room. There was another table set up that had a mountain of gifts on it and around it.

The entire pack, including sheriff Stilinski, Argent, and Peter we're standing in the middle of the room. "Surprise!!" Lydia screamed as she rushed forward and clamped a hand around Theo's bicep, pulling him further into the house. "What is this? What's going on?" Theo was lost. His birthday wasn't till November, and he was sure the pack didn't know that.

"It's your baby shower. You had such a fit about it that had we told you we were still planning it you'd never of agreed." Lydia smiled, feeling very proud of her self for pulling it off. "There's a very specific reason I didn't want a baby shower!" Theo was beyond pissed.

"Theo, remember what we talked about." Liam stepped forward and took Theo's hand. "The good things." Theo looked at Liam like he betrayed him. Everyone knew how he felt about the baby shower and they went behind his back and did it any way. "If it makes you feel better, everyone kept their receipts. You know, just in case." Lydia tried to smooth it over. Theo took a deep breath and nodded. At least he could get rid of everything if worse came to worse.

"Fine, but I hope you got more than finger sandwiches." Theo walked over to the table to find mostly finger foods but there was also some fried chicken. He grabbed a plate and a few pieces and then some sandwiches. Melissa gave him a cup of ginger tea. He didn't like constantly drinking the tea, but he did like keeping his food down. 

"Ok, you get to sit here and watch as we play the baby shower games." Lydia gently pushed Theo down on the recliner with a bright smile. "Ok, split up into teams of two!" Lydia was quick to grab Stiles. Scott paired with Malia, Mason and Corey paired up, Melissa and argent paired up. Leaving Derek, Liam, and Nolan. "Is Theo an option?" Theo growled lowly at Liam. He didn't know what this game was but he sure in the hell wasn't playing. "Ok then I pick Derek." Liam grabbed the older man by the wrist and pulled him to his side. Nolan smiled shyly, looking out of place. "I'll pair up with the kid!" Peter called out, sounding very annoyed.

"Great! Now everyone grab a blind fold!" Once everyone had their blind folds Lydia handed out baby food jars of applesauce. "Each member blindfolds themselves and then tries to feed their team mate. First team that finishes, wins a prize!" Lydia looked very happy with herself.

Theo figured this would be entertaining. "The sheriff will let us now when to start. Everyone blindfold yourself." Lydia sat across from Stiles and placed her blindfold on. Once everyone was ready the sheriff told them to start. Theo sat back and watched as everyone opened their jars and tried to dip the spoon in.

Liam had managed to scoop some and was now blindly reaching out to find Derek's face. "Is that your mouth?" Derek nodded and started to feel for Liam's face. Both had managed to find the others' mouth with one hand but completely miss with the spoon full of applesauce. Lydia was feeding Stiles easily who kept gagging at the taste. Melissa and Argent were laughing as she missed his mouth for the fifth time. Scott and Malia were easily feeding each other but something told Theo they were somehow cheating.  

Mason and Corey had managed to smear applesauce all over their faces but their jar was almost empty. Nolan had his jar opened and his spoon ready but he wasn't moving. Peter was the same. Theo felt like stirring up some trouble. "Lydia! Peter and Nolan aren't playing!" Theo called out with a smirk only the sheriff can see.

"Peter! You offered to pair up, now play the game!" Lydia somehow looked in Peter and Nolan's direction despite still having her blindfold on. "If I had known the game I would have let the kid sit out." Peter barked. "Just play the damn game Peter. From what I remember you used to be highly competitive." Derek teased his uncle earning a growl. "If this ruins my shirt..." Lydia cut him off and said she'd buy him a new one.

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