◀I'm sick :b▶

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So I've been sick for like two days now, but it got REALLY bad last night.

So I had a fever of 100 or somthing and my head hurt last night. My mum gave me a Tylenol and sent me to bed at like 7:30.

I was super tired, but also super hot so I couldn't fall asleep. I rped with a few people, but eventually couldn't keep my eyes open.

I woke up at like 2 hours later and I was really, REALLY hot. This morning I had a fever of 103 {Come on baby, do you do more then dance? I'm hot blooded, I'm hot blo- okay I'll stop....} So if I had that bad of a fever this morning, I can't imagine how bad of one I had last night!

Anyways, I woke up at like 10 last night out of a really weird and hazy nightmare about gambling, and creepy dolls making fake money. when I woke up, I thought it was all real.

Then I realized it wasn't like 5 minutes after freaking out.

At some point in the night I Rember waking up, looking around, and actually saying "Okay, okay guys. Let's stop this."

This happened, like 10 times last night and eventually at like 4 I got up, and almost fell over.

I was still really creeped out by the entire nightmare, and I still kinda felt like it was real.

I went to go to the bathroom and the lightbulb had burned out {Childhood nightmares right?} So I went upstairs and to the bathroom. When I came back out though, I was super creeped out Because I heard a beeping noise {probably my neighbor's utility truck}

So I walked into my mom's room and slept on her floor. Why I didn't wake her up and tell her I was being delusional? I don't know!

I slept most of the day away and I feel a lot better now.

I'm scared of fevers now XD

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