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It has been a month since the class room incident. Since then Levi and I have been hanging out more. And I mean just hanging out. Yeah we still have sex a lot but we're also getting to know each other more. Actually that is what we're doing right now. Some of us are hanging out and having a movie night at MY place. That's right, I got my own place.

"Oi, brat?!" Levi called out getting my attention

"Yes, Levi?" I shouted from the living room, where I was with everyone else.

"Where is your popcorn at?!?" I chuckled to myself before replying

"In the cabinet, on the second shelf!" I replied as I went back to bending over, looking for a movie to watch. Everyone of course wanted to watch a horror movie.

"I don't see it." Levi stated from the door frame, taking notice in my ass.

"That's because you're a shorty."

"What was that you little shit?!?"

"Nothing. I'm coming" I blurted out to save my life. I got up, heading in to the kitchen. When I walked in I saw Levi trying to get the popcorn. I laughed to myself quietly as I watched in amusement. He was truly something else. Definitely cute when trying to reach something above his head. I walked over, reaching over his head with one hand while the other was on his hip, pulling him into me. I slowly starting kissing his neck, sucking every now and then as I got the popcorn down.

"Do we have to watch the movie? We can go down the hall to my room instead?" I whined, really wanting to have some alone time with him. We didn't have to have sex or anything like that, I just wanted to be with him and just him.

"No, this is your house and your guess."

"So?? As long as they have food, who cares? I just wanna cuddle...." I slightly blushed thinking I sounded ridiculous. We weren't even dating and I was acting like this. What the fuck is wrong with me.

"We can watch TV and cuddle."

"Really?!? *cough* *clears throat*...I mean...cool." Fuck yeah! I thought to myself as I smile lightly at the smaller male in front of me.

"You're cute." He lightly chuckled

"Wait....what?" I asked shocked with a slight blush.

"You're cute." He state once more taking in my reaction.

"Would you prefer sexy instead?"

"No, that would be you. My sexy ass." I smirked kissing him. He's sexy and an ass but he's my ass...kind of.....In that moment it hit me. As I had my arms wrapped around him, looking in his eyes, I realized how much I wish he was mine. I realized I have fallen for this guy and there was no digging myself out.

"Tch. Brat." Levi blushed, pulling away trying to hide his face. I'm fucked.

*Hours later*

We were on our 6th movie and 10th bowl of popcorn. We were now watching some paranormal shit. The only thing that does creep me out...of course. Levi and I have been cuddling the whole to though..So that helps.

"SHIT!!" I yelled out as I jumped. I can't believe at how scared I am over a movie. But what calmed me down was the feeling of Levi's hand. Normally their cold but I guess from where we've been huddled underneath a blanket all night they warmed up. I shortly relaxed at the feeling of his hand in mine. It was nice. Anytime I got scared I would start to squeeze his hand but quickly relaxed out of fear of hurting him. He held my hand though with a firm grip as if he was trying to let me know he was there and I was safe. We all decided to just have a sleep over since it got late and there was no school tomorrow. I looked over at the clock and saw it was 3:39 AM.

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