He shakes his head, "I don't, but if anyone knows about that whole business, it would be Alan."

Ten minutes later, the three of us are on the side of town that Josephine and Alan used to live in. He said he didn't know the exact location since apparently they were in different businesses, but he knows that it's one of the abandoned buildings near their old house. 'If we marked mate, we would've known that she was hurt.' my wolf huffs, feeling guilty that we allowed this to happen. 'We can't feel her emotions through the bond yet, so we don't know when she's scared. Even if wolfsbane was in her system, we would still be able to sense where she was.'

'We need to mark her soon.' I agree with him, knowing that marking Josephine is something that the two of us have both put off for a while. She told me that it would happen whenever the time was right, but we never got around to it since we've been busy with our own things.

"Why was she even walking around alone?" Nate asks, struggling to refrain from giving me a look.

"She used to do that a lot, but stopped when I started driving her to school." I answer, wondering the same thing as him. "I thought she would wait for you to give her a ride this morning, but she went back to her old ways instead."

"She knows I don't like her walking alone like that." I shake my head, thinking about all the conversation Josephine and I have had over this topic. Even before she really accepted me as her mate, I would try to drive her to school. Too many things can happen if she's out alone.

"The bar." Roland randomly says, confusing Nate and I. He stops in his tracks and starts walking in a different direction, motioning for us to follow him, "She wouldn't have gone to the bar so often if her work headquarters wasn't near it. That means the warehouse is near the bar."

Nate and I share looks when Roland mentions the bar. We both know a little bit about Josephine's past with alcohol, but we obviously don't know nearly as much as Roland does. "I can go in and ask the bartender if he's seen her?" he looks at me, waiting for my thoughts. "He's not exactly a fan of her though." (remember that flashback?)

"Does he work for Keaton?"

"I don't think so, but he'd definitely take his side over ours."

"Then no." I say. "We'll search through the warehouses ourselves."

Before we get to close, however, Roland stops us, "There might be security. A lot of it. I've never been in this area in the daytime like this, but at night, everyone is armed and ready to get rid of people who aren't suppose to be here."

"How do you know that?" Nate asks for the both of us, not knowing anything about the life that Josephine lived during the time he was gone.

"We both had the same way of dealing with our problems back then." Roland vaguely answers before changing the subject back to the task at hand. "I don't smell any wolves in there, just wolfsbane."

"Same here." Nate elaborates.

I inhale the air and pick up the smell of wolfsbane along with two wolves, my Alpha genes heightening my senses. "It's her. She's in there." I tell them, my feet already moving in the direction of the building.

"You two block the other exits. Don't let him escape." I order, waiting until we're all in position before barging into the warehouse.

"Any of you bastards come closer and she dies." Keaton is standing against a wall, a battered up Josephine held flush against him with a gun pointed to her head.

Although Josephine is noticeably more injured, it's obvious that she was able to hit Keaton multiple times as well, leaving two cuts on his face for us to see. "He won't-"

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