He took me to a cozy dinner in a nook of a restaurant. Low lighting from above with soft candles on the tables. I hadn't told him about the dreams and knew he was wondering why I was so withdrawn that day. He hadn't asked but he'd kept a closer eye on me. We talked through dinner; Mykel making obvious effort to keep my mind from the dark thoughts he knew were looming. And with great success. He had me laughing despite myself, and despite myself found myself having a good night out. We finished our meal and we headed home. I blushed like a schoolgirl as he walked me to the passenger side and opened my door for me.

People, in my opinion, don't pay enough attention to the little things. They concentrate on the big things; holidays, birthdays--days of obligation to show affection. But the little moments are what bring it together. The small shows of tenderness. Looks and smiles, soft caresses. Opening a car door. We didn't speak much on the drive home, but the silence between us was comfortable. The radio played and I lost myself in Mykel's voice as he sang along with each tune.

When we got home I saw that Liz's car wasn't present. I frowned. "Is Liz still at the shop?" Liz was supposed to accompany us, as planned, to see Mykel's new tattoo parlor, however at the last moment had to fill in for someone. "No. She's out with a girlfriend tonight. A girl's night out kinda thing."

We entered the house, our movements echoed in the quiet of the evening. Mykel wrapped his arms around me from behind, nuzzling into my neck with a soft kiss and a smile. My arms circled around his, my head automatically leaning into his shoulder, my body relaxing against his. To the best of my ability I tried to concentrate on him and the moment we were in. The lovely evening I knew he had planned. I closed my eyes and focused on feeling him. His arms around me. His breath tickling my neck. The weight of his chin resting on my shoulder. The relaxation that overcame me as he gently swayed us back and forth. Affably he began to sing in my ear and I couldn't help but smile. I felt all my stresses begin to melt away as the vibrations of his voice echoed throughout my being. How I wished that I could leave everything before he and Liz for the birds, never having to conjure their memories from the depths of my nightmares and relive it all once more.

Since that night we first admitted to feelings of love for each other it hadn't been repeated much before we were in the shop. And when he did finally say it again I felt something shift. Many times had I wanted to tell him, but every time I convinced myself to keep my mouth shut. My chaotic brain also swirled with possibilities of why he hadn't repeated those three words again. And then as he spoke I felt a crack deepen in the defenses I had myself wrapped around in.

"I love you, mon bonheur." I smiled as my eyes watered. Damn it. For a moment I was glad I was faced away from him, not thinking about that even so, he could still see my face. "Why tears, my sweet?"

I shook my head slightly, declining to answer for the tears. "I love you, too." I turned into him then, my face burrowing into his neck and shoulder while my arms wound around his center.

"What's the matter, huh? You've been upset all day." We stood in the living room with his arms wrapped around me as he slowly rocked us back and forth.

My tears, short-lived as they were, were drying on my face, my eyes staring sightlessly toward the front window. "Just bad dreams. I'm sorry. I don't want to mess everything up tonight."

He kissed my temple gently shushing me. "Hush now, baby. You haven't messed up anything." I shrugged as I pulled back from him, and turning took my place on the couch. Mykel followed suit and opened his arms and I immediately went to them. No more tears fell but I could feel them close to the surface. "You wanna talk about it, hm?" I shook my head, pushing myself further into his hold.

"Can you just hold me, Mykel?" I asked him, my voice a strained whisper.

"Always. You wanna watch something for a distraction, or just stay like this?"

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