Tony then grabs a remote from the table and clicks the projector on. A small yellow gem appears on the screen.

"The mind stone. Also known as the yellow thing currently stuck in Vision's head. Clearly from what it's done for him, it's incredibly powerful. It created a consciousness, no offense Vision." Tony explains.

"None taken, I know what I am." He replies.

"Next, the space stone." Tony says, switching the slide to a blue gem, "It's what gives the Tesseract its power. Loki very graciously brought it to Earth for us. We already know what this thing can do."

Tony flicks the slide and a red gem appears, but Thor speaks first, "That's the power behind the Aether. That stone nearly killed Jane, and brought the universe into darkness."

"Yes, that's the reality stone. It warps reality itself in any way the user sees fit. I'm particularly terrified of this stone, especially considering it's sitting about five hundred feet from us in my compound, courtesy of Thor." Tony tells everyone.

"Trust me, if Asgard wasn't crumbling I wouldn't have brought it here." Thor says.

"Next is the power stone, which apparently gave Peter access to all the energy ever created, so that's cool. He doesn't have it now unfortunately, so if Thanos were to already have a stone, this one would likely be it." Tony says about a purple gem on the screen.

"Time stone is next," Tony switched the slide to a green gem, "This one is on Earth too, with sorcerer Doctor Strange on the other side of the planet. I believe it's safe with him for the time being."

"Finally, the soul stone." Tony says, and a big question mark shows up on screen. "Nobody has any idea where it is, what it does, or who has it. All Peter could find out was its name, and that it exists. Another one on Thanos' radar I bet."

"So there were two stones on Earth, and you just brought two more?" Cap adds, "Tell me how that doesn't put a gigantic target on us?"

"Yeah, and still waiting to hear why the evil step sister is here too." Clint says, referring to Loki.

"I'm aware that this isn't ideal. Ideally the stones wouldn't exist in the first place. But I'm doing the best I can with the situation at hand." Tony defends his decisions.

"Tony is right, this was our only option. I couldn't have left the stones on an abandoned Asgard, anyone could have walked in and taken them." Thor chimes in, being the only other person here who fully understands what's going on.

"I get that, but I really don't feel comfortable putting every person on Earth at risk because of this. I think we've had a hand in enough destruction here already."
 Natasha counters, and the room falls silent for a second.

I suddenly again have the feeling that the discussion in this room is way too big and important for my ears. I'm acutely aware that I don't belong and probably should not be here.

"Look, this is temporary, guys. I don't plan on keeping the stones in one place forever." Tony sighs.

"I'm going to start researching suitable planets for hiding the stones as soon as we're done here. But for now hopefully Tony's compound will suffice." Thor tells the room. I see Steve rubbing his forehead, his mind clearly racing, but he doesn't say anything else.

It's pretty obvious he has decided to bite his tongue on the matter. I think they all know there really isn't much to discuss, the only option is to keep the stones here until they can move them. I also have a hunch that Cap knows he shouldn't fight Tony too much right now, the tension I noticed earlier is not lost between them.

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